Ways to Save Big on Energy Costs
As a homeowner with a plethora of expenses to deal with, finding ways to save energy is a great way to cut down utility bills and help save the plane. If your bill is topping over $100 a month like the national average, it might be time to seek out a solution or two for…
How Safe Is the Water Your Family Drinks?
Nothing is more essential to our world’s health and well being as water. While most Americans have only lived a life where safe drinking water is so simple it can be taken for granted, this is not true in all parts of the world. Water management systems help make sure that the 346,000 million gallons…
How Industrial Floor Scrubbers Make the Workplace Safer
Industrial America works hard and doesn’t like taking sick days. The United State’s Department of Labor however found that slips, trips, and falls in the workplace make up the majority of general industry accidents; this accounts for 15% of all accidental deaths per year, making it the second-lead cause of death behind motor vehicle accidents.…
Are You Looking for Contract Design Packaging for Your Pharmaceuticals?
In 2011, U.S. pharmacy and drug store sales reached $231.46 billion. While many patients and consumers think of pharmacy sales as over the counter purchases with a local pharmacist filling a prescription, more and more sales are handled in a variety of other ways. E-pedigree serialisation, sometimes called electronic pedigree, is an electronic documention which…
Is a Nonprofit Job Right for You?
Whether you’re a recent college graduate or a workforce veteran looking for a career change, the job search can be tough if you don’t have a goal in mind. Do you want to work for a small company, or a large one? Do you want to be close to home or are you open to…
What You Need to Know About E-Commerce
Shopping online has become more and more popular in recent years. The rise of the internet and social media has made shopping easier than ever before. As a business owner, you need to be on top of each trend as it comes and goes, in order to optimize your business. Optimizing your business improves consumer…
The Importance of Water Quality Analysis
With many conversations recently turning to the state of our world’s environments, it is time to talk about the water quality. Recent water quality indicators are not showing positive news about the cleanliness and safety of it. It’s time to take a serious look at how we are treating the world around us, and make…
The Pros and Cons of Renting Office Space in Historic Buildings
Finding office space for rent might not be the most exciting part of starting or expanding your business, but it is essential to the day-to-day success of your operation. And in most U.S. cities, you’ll find no shortage of available spaces for rent. From high-tech co-working spaces in fancy new lofts to asbestos-filled basements on…
5 Tips to Lowering International Shipping Costs
International shipping is vital to international trading, which has increased at a rate that is double that of global production. Global trade is more than just big business, it is one of the best ways to lift people out of poverty. Approximately 80% of the reduction of poverty has been achieved due to this increased…