Avoiding Workforce Planning Pitfalls
Human resources departments around the country face many challenges regarding balancing talent retention and improving productivity with managing internal changes and the talent acquisition strategy. With proper workforce planning, these goals can be managed efficiently and effectively. Tips for workforce planning. Conduct an audit of your existing talent. Often companies lose sight of the talent…
5 Important Things to Consider When You Are Looking for Executive Offices for Rent
For any company, it is extremely important to find the right office space. The right office space is not just a central area where your company can function, take care of daily business, grow and evolve, there are other intangible benefits that companies can no longer ignore. Research shows that characteristics of your executive office…
3 Fields Executive Search Firms are Regularly Used to Find Talent
Executive search firms specialize in recruiting, essentially they deal in human capitol. Many professional or highly specialized fields that are looking for new employers don’t have the time or resources to locate and persuade people on their own so they enlist the help of these professional “headhunters” to do the leg work for them. These…
Exploring the Importance of Earth’s Simplest and Most Necessary Element
It’s often been said that money makes the world go round but perhaps it’s time for the wording of this famous phrase to change. While it’s true that money is a very important determining factor in so many aspects of the world, another substance just as — if not more — important than money also…
Steam Traps Explained in Terms You Can Actually Understand
With winter coming up, it’s a good time to brush up on your knowledge of steam traps. There are steam traps on radiators, of course, but they’re actually used in a number of residential, commercial, and industrial applications. The only problem is that so much of the literature published on these little devices is incredibly…
The 2 Simple Reasons It’s Worth Hiring a Telephone Answering Service
If you run a small or medium-sized business, you and your employees are probably juggling a million things every single day. Here’s one thing you should take off your plate: answering the phones. There are two compelling reasons to outsource this task to a professional telephone answering service. #1: It Keeps Your Customers Happy Customers…
Shipping to South America Save Money and Cut Transit Times
Shipping goods internationally can be a fantastic way to keep in touch with loved ones, send friends care packages, thank coworkers, or for some, might just be part of their daily business operations. In fact, international shipping is done daily by many small and major companies. Many people do not consider exactly how their goods…
Myth Busting 10% is NOT the Ideal Turnover Rate for Sales People
In 2002, Gallup polling tackled a timeless question, one that’s been bugging sales managers for as long as they’ve existed: what should your sales team turnover rate be? Is it too high? Too low? If you’re tired of combing through listings of sales people for hire and want to take those sales recruitment firms off…
3 Reasons You Should Use Digital Business Signs
Media, movies, and shows aren’t the only things going digital these days. Digital business signs are taking over as the new standard for onsite advertisement. A study by Grand View Research Inc. estimates that the global digital signage market will reach $20.03 billion by the year 2020. What are the benefits of illuminated signs? More…