Author: Science News

  • Taking the Strain Out of Office Work

    Taking the Strain Out of Office Work

    If your back is killing you, it just might be the fault of your desk chair. Believe it or not, sitting for long hours at work can do a good deal of damage to your whole body, but especially your back. The human body is designed primarily for the standing or walking position, and while…

  • How to Hire the Best Sales People for the Job!

    How to Hire the Best Sales People for the Job!

    As a sales manager, you are most likely aware that hiring sales people who are competent and loyal can be an extremely difficult undertaking. Unfortunately, some sales representatives do not have what it takes to be effective; for example, are you aware that only one fifth of sales leads are actually followed up on? This…

  • Never Make a Hiring Mistake Again!

    Never Make a Hiring Mistake Again!

    Hiring sales people and retaining them is difficult to pull off. This is something you are well aware of as a sales and marketing manager. Hiring sales reps who are not up to the challenge of the job can be a major financial liability to companies; in fact, when a sales hiring mistake is made,…

  • Groundwater Remediation and Monitoring Who and What Are These Services Used For?

    Groundwater Remediation and Monitoring  Who and What Are These Services Used For?

    It’s no secret to most people that the world’s fresh water is vulnerable to pollution. From toxic oil spills to chemicals seeping into groundwater, there are a variety of reasons that agencies and organizations throughout the United States may choose groundwater monitoring and remediation services, which use their own equipment to monitor and clean water,…

  • Interesting Changes in the Coffee Industry Create Opportunities for Coffee Shop Owners

    Interesting Changes in the Coffee Industry Create Opportunities for Coffee Shop Owners

    The coffee industry is a fast-growing, multi-million dollar business. As such, many coffee retailers, from coffee vans to traditional coffee shops, are constantly trying different ways to stand out. From hiring specially-trained baristas to creating unique recipes, many successful business ideas have taken root and helped business owners thrive. Now, scientists are using a number…

  • The Top Three Things You Need to Know About the Housing Market

    The Top Three Things You Need to Know About the Housing Market

    The housing market in America is recovering from one of the bigger blows it has ever taken in history; even the top real estate companies took a huge hit. With all the trouble people have gone through, though, there is a lot of misinformation and sensationalism going around regarding the subject. Here are three cold,…

  • Three Ways Your Company Can Find and Retain Good Sales People

    Three Ways Your Company Can Find and Retain Good Sales People

    There are over 22 million sales professionals currently working in North America, but only a third of all sales people have been with their company for less than 12 months. Sales teams have a yearly turnover rate of 40%, and many employers struggle to find and retain good sales talent. Sales recruitment companies can find…

  • The Advantages of Using an LED Sign at Your Business

    The Advantages of Using an LED Sign at Your Business

    People have been using signs to advertise their businesses for decades, but what has traditionally been a tried and true way to market your business is becoming more and more obsolete. The presence of signs is important — businesses get about half of their customers from their signs — but no two signs are created…

  • What Services Can Canadian Businesses Receive from Their Small Business Group Health Insurance Plans?

    What Services Can Canadian Businesses Receive from Their Small Business Group Health Insurance Plans?

    In Canada, approximately 98% of all businesses are considered “small” businesses with fewer than 100 employees. Although those workers receive public benefits thanks to Canada’s public health care system, which delivers services through private organizations, there are gaps in terms of what gets covered and what doesn’t. As a result, many small business owners turn…

  • Top Five Traits All the Best Security Guards Have

    Top Five Traits All the Best Security Guards Have

    Whether you’re looking for home security companies or you need a security guard agency for your business, you need to find a company you can rely on. Here are the top five traits to look for in a security guard or agency: 1. Dedicated Private security company employees are often required by contract to act…