In today’s rapidly evolving times, everyone is looking for new ways to save on energy costs. Some people see a solution in buying a more energy efficient car while others turn down their thermostat for the winter. Whether you like to recycle or double-check your lights before you leave the house, deregulated electricity is an effective way of making sure your living habits are easy on the environment and on your wallet. If your energy bill is stressing you out and you’re not sure where to start, never fear — below I’ll detail electricity usage in the U.S., alternative energy sources and what you can do to save on money without skimping on quality.
Electricity Usage In The U.S.
The United States has seen a lot of changes in the past few decades, due in no small part to advancements in technology as well as a growing population. Did you know that electricity use in 2013 was more than 12 times greater than overall use in 1950? That’s no small sum to sneeze at! The largest use in electricity, particularly in the residential sector, is in air-conditioning. Air-conditioning accounts for almost 20% of residential use and is used primarily to alter temperature and reduce allergen build-up. Around 43% of homes, as well, have had companies install smart meters to measure their energy use. So how can you save on your own energy costs?
How You Can Save On Energy Costs
Did you know you can save as much as 10% per year on energy costs by changing your thermostat? A programmable thermostat estimates the air and turns off automatically when a certain threshold is reached, which means no more regrets! The average household costs around $107 in electric costs and changing your habits, such as installing a more efficient water heater, can decrease your bill by as much as 14%. Deregulated electricity is fast becoming the way of the future and there are multiple alternative electricity suppliers available to help you help yourself. Renewable energy companies will help you with repair, installation and sharing positive day-to-day habits that will benefit you financially. Which energy suppliers will you call today?