Author: Science News

  • Don’t Even Think About Choosing a Commercial Driving School Without Asking These Five Questions

    Don’t Even Think About Choosing a Commercial Driving School Without Asking These Five Questions

    While modern conveniences like email and texting has sharply reduced the need for mailmen, the explosion of online shopping has made the need for shipping services greater than ever. If you want a career with great job stability with a median annual income of $40,000, becoming a truck driver for a shipping services company like…

  • Can Concrete Contractors Save You From Costly Slip and Fall Lawsuits?

    Can Concrete Contractors Save You From Costly Slip and Fall Lawsuits?

    We’re all familiar with those annoying broken slabs of concrete that making walking down the sidewalk feel like a mountain hike. In fact, there may even be some cracked slabs sitting out in front of your house or place of business right now. Then there are the potholes, dents, icy patches, and other obstacles life…

  • Cremation Jewelry Why It Could Be Right For You

    Cremation Jewelry  Why It Could Be Right For You

    There are many of reasons that drive people to choose cremation rather than a traditional burial. For one thing, burial is not for everyone, due to concerns that stem from everything from the spiritual to the practical. For another, many want to leave something behind for their loved ones. That is why many choose an…

  • Choosing the Right Type of Trailer

    Choosing the Right Type of Trailer

    Working in the gas and oil industry, you know how important it is to have the right trailers for the job you are doing. Yet, what if the one you are using could be replaced by a better model? According to the Energy Information Administration (EIA), by 2035 shale and gas production will rise to…

  • Your Business Doesn’t Need A Permanent Office

    Your Business Doesn’t Need A Permanent Office

    It’s expensive to start a business these days? in 2009, the Kaufmann Foundation estimated that the average cost to begin a new startup was $30,000. Although many of these costs are tax deductible (up to $5,000 in the first year of business), many are not. One of the most prohibitive elements of starting up a…

  • Remember Your Loved Ones Every Day

    Remember Your Loved Ones Every Day

    We all want the perfect memorial for our precious loved ones; to remember the laughs by, the tears to and the good times and the bad. Whether it be traditional, modern, or unique; sentimental describes it best. Cremation ash jewelry has grown in popularity over the last few years although it has been around since…

  • Are You Confident Your Building’s Fire Safety System Would Work Properly in an Emergency?

    Are You Confident Your Building’s Fire Safety System Would Work Properly in an Emergency?

    As a good property manager, your biggest priorities are keeping your tenants and the building safe. One huge risks that apartment complexes face are fires. There are ranges, furnaces, and other fire risks in each unit and there is no way to ensure every person is responsible all the time. The best way to protect…

  • 3 Strategies for Contingent Labor Management Every Business Should Follow

    3 Strategies for Contingent Labor Management Every Business Should Follow

    Contingent labor management refers to the recruiting, hiring, managing, evaluating, and potentially firing of procurement solutions or workforce management services. A vast majority, 90%, of all firms utilize some type of freelance or contracted talent. This type of hiring has become a much more popular system in recent years as the personality of the workforce…

  • Ways to Save Big on Energy Costs

    Ways to Save Big on Energy Costs

    As a homeowner with a plethora of expenses to deal with, finding ways to save energy is a great way to cut down utility bills and help save the plane. If your bill is topping over $100 a month like the national average, it might be time to seek out a solution or two for…

  • How Safe Is the Water Your Family Drinks?

    How Safe Is the Water Your Family Drinks?

    Nothing is more essential to our world’s health and well being as water. While most Americans have only lived a life where safe drinking water is so simple it can be taken for granted, this is not true in all parts of the world. Water management systems help make sure that the 346,000 million gallons…