Trade shows and conventions are a great way to get your business? name and brand out to the public. They offer a lot of benefits to smaller and newer companies who are trying to gain customer base. Trade shows host hundreds or thousands of customers who are interested in learning about new products. They come to the convention with money to spend, information to give and time to spare to learn about the many new businesses. Samples provide customers with a take away to remember the company by, and to have a desire to locate the company to purchase additional items. An important part of any convention or exhibit is the graphic design marketing of the company. The booth is the marketing tool that is used to gain customers attention and makes them want to stop and learn more about the company.
Graphic design marketing is essential in grabbing your customer?s attention. This is especially important at a convention, as there will be hundreds, if not thousands of other trade show booth designs competing with you for the very same customers. The average U.S. trade show visitor spends 9.5 hours viewing exhibits. It is highly likely that the trade show visitor will not be able to reach every single vendor?s booth, and thus; will choose to stop at only those that catch their eye.
There is a lot that goes into the planning and the design of an effective graphic design marketing plan. Trade show graphics are a unique type of marketing. The displays must compete with thousands of other companies that are directly located nearby your booth. Font type and size, images and design all matter. As for font size, a good rule of thumb is to add an inch of height to the font for every foot away that viewers will stand. If you want visitors to read your text comfortable from 10 feet away, for example, add 10 inches to the font size. The type of font used is also important in a custom exhibit design. Sans serif fonts like Helvetica are generally considered to be the most easily read. Of course, your brand?s style guide will dictate some of these font decisions, but remember not to use more than 2 or 3 different fonts at the same time.
With the high competition that trade shows call for; it can be beneficial to utilize trade show rental displays. A booth design company can rent out booth designs, or they can be hired to create a booth design that fits your company perfectly. Graphic design marketing companies will be able to provide your business with the best font size, font type and design that will work best with your company. The average company allocates 31.6% of its total marketing budget to events and exhibiting, and more than $34 billion is spent annually by U.S. Exhibitors for trade show displays, yet 70% of these exhibitors set so specific objectives for trade show exhibits. A professional graphic design company will provide the business with important objectives to ensure that the trade show was successful.
Trade shows provide smaller and newer businesses with an opportunity to get their brand to new customers. Thousands of people visit trades shows annually, and they spend many hours per day visiting booths, learning about new products and companies. The design of your booth at the trade show is extremely important and competitive. A graphic design company will understand the logistics that are involved with the booth design, including; font type, font size and graphics that will catch your potential customers attention.