As a sales manager, you are most likely aware that hiring sales people who are competent and loyal can be an extremely difficult undertaking. Unfortunately, some sales representatives do not have what it takes to be effective; for example, are you aware that only one fifth of sales leads are actually followed up on? This small fraction indicates a serious lack of productivity amongst many a sales force.
Retaining great sales reps is even more challenging than hiring them, as the turnover rate for employees working in sales jobs is quite high. Strong hiring and retainment practices are often burdensome to sales departments, taking away time and energy that could be better used to focus on core business. That is why it is a good idea to work with executive sales recruitment headhunters that will take ownership of the entire hiring process in order to bring on the best sales people to meet your company’s needs.
Executive sales recruitment agencies employ experienced headhunters capable of deciphering whether a candidate is a good fit for a given position. Executive sales recruitment agencies maintain relationships with a number of significant contacts in the business; thus, they are highly effective at deciphering which candidates are right for which jobs. So too do executive sales recruitment professionals understand how to ferret out whether a candidate has the intangible qualities that make for a strong salesperson—for example, charisma, flexibility, self-assurance, and passion. Also, executive recruitment headhunters are on the lookout for candidates who are excellent communicators, because communication is the key to creating strong relationships with clients.
Another thing at which executive sales recruitment headhunters are exceptionally good at is spotting potential. Sometimes the candidate who has the most experience is not the best candidate for the job. The ins and outs of sales processes can be taught. An enthusiastic candidate with raw talent may simply need to build his or her self confidence vis a vis basic training and practice. Such a candidate is likely to stay loyal to the firm at which he is first hired, which is a win-win for everyone, and something that executive sales recruitment professionals take special pride in accomplishing.
Having been so effective in recruiting, hiring, and even training sales professionals, executive sales recruitment agencies bring to the table greater wealth and productivity for the companies with which they work. The majority of organizations concur that partnering with executive sales recruitment agencies makes possible a first-rate hiring system that reduces costs and solidifies a talented and hardworking sales force. Read more here: www.salesforcesearch.com