Author: Science News

  • Offshore Vessels Offer a Wide Variety of Repair Services for Ships at Sea

    Offshore Vessels Offer a Wide Variety of Repair Services for Ships at Sea

    For many people, the prospect of taking a vacation is exciting; the prospect of taking an extended cruise vacation with many exciting ports of call can also be appealing. Cruise ships are designed to provide vacationing passengers with a variety of entertainment and travel options: on a weekly basis, passengers on a cruise ship may…

  • 5 Ways to Run an Efficient Company

    5 Ways to Run an Efficient Company

    Having a great workforce management system in place is crucial to running an efficient operation. This article will cover just a few things that can help you on your journey to building a workforce management system that you can be proud of. Let’s start at the beginning; when someone first gets the job. The hiring…

  • Oil Well Drilling Efficiency and Safety Rule

    Oil Well Drilling  Efficiency and Safety Rule

    Oil industry trends are currently dominated by three factors – the development of new technology, falling oil prices and the rise of renewables. All three dictate an industry focus on efficiency, safety and vision that will enable it to stay competitive. When it comes to oil well exploration, drilling and maintenance, an experienced and tested…

  • Spiral Bound Graph Paper Notebooks are an Essential for Math and Science Classes

    Spiral Bound Graph Paper Notebooks are an Essential for Math and Science Classes

    Even though much of the work world has shifted to computers and now increasingly tablets, for school and work, notebooks are still a essential. So much so that this year, spending on school supplies – electronic and otherwise – is expected to include $913 million of their own money spent by Millennials. Clearly school supplies…

  • Car Wraps Work Better Than You Think They Do

    Car Wraps Work Better Than You Think They Do

    If you think car wraps aren’t an effective marketing tool, think again. Here are just a few things you should know about car wrap marketing. Car Wrap Marketing Works. The first thing you should know is that car wrap marketing works. Research shows that for some businesses, car wraps increased business by a staggering 107%.…

  • What Are Strain Gages? How Do They Work?

    What Are Strain Gages? How Do They Work?

    Strain gages, sometimes called strain gauges, are tools used to measure the amount of strain that an object has. In 1938, Arthur Ruge and Edward Simmons invented what would later become the most common type of strain gaging tools. Their device had an insulating flexible backing that supported a metallic foil pattern. In order to…

  • 4 Ways in Home Water Purification Systems Benefit You and Your Family

    4 Ways in Home Water Purification Systems Benefit You and Your Family

    The human body is composed of approximately 60% water. Water is an important resource for the body to properly function. About 20% of fluid intake comes from food; the other 80% comes from drinking water. With this much consumption coming from drinking water wouldn’t you want to ensure that you are drinking the cleanest water…

  • 5 Ways to Up Your Sales

    5 Ways to Up Your Sales

    Having a career in sales can be a hard job. You have know how to sell but not be too overbearing or to underwhelming. It’s all about balance and technique to be able to get you into the best sales jobs. Selling really is a social business underneath it all; being personable, friendly and happy…

  • 3 Main Types of Executive Search Services

    3 Main Types of Executive Search Services

    Companies are constantly trying to find, recruit, and hire the best available talent whether it be for sales and marketing positions, like a new sales manager, or a technical job like software developers. One of the areas many corporations spend a great deal of time and money in is executive search services. Executive recruiting services,…

  • Most Readers Couldn’t Answer This Question

    Most Readers Couldn’t Answer This Question

    Hello readers. Today I?d like you to pause for a moment and consider this question: when was the last time you went a whole day without using any plastic packaging products? If you?re like me, this was a difficult question to answer. Plastics and plastic packaging products are a marvel of modern life. Without plastic…