There are several commercial and residential cleaning services out there that you can bring in to just tidy up or clean your place thoroughly. Many commercial cleaning offers janitor services but sometimes you do not have that service and need professional office cleaning services. At home, many people need to hire residential cleaners to clean their homes due to time restraints, laziness, and other issues that prevent them from cleaning their own home.
There were 51 thousand commercial cleaning companies in 2002 in the Unites States according to the Census Bureau. However, when it comes to residential cleaning, residential maid service is the number one cleaning service recommended by women in the United States. Many companies gain extra revenue by offering outside services as well. Some of these services include window washing. There are some window washing tips that everyone should know in order to wash windows on your own.
Some window washing tips include washing your windows with glass cleaner and newspaper to avoid streaks. More window washing tips are to replace the glass cleaner with vinegar and to clean your windows with vinegar and newspaper to avoid streaks. Sometimes you will need to wash the windows more than once depending on how dirty they are. Good window washing tips include purchasing a squeegee to wipe off the excess liquid. This is how many of the top commercial cleaning companies clean windows. Find out more here.