If you own heavy or large equipment that is powered by an engine, then you might be wondering exactly how to keep it running well all year round. Keep reading for a few tips on how to do just this.
- Keep your engine clean.
- Use a hydraulic filter.
- Have your engine filter changed often.
Because there’s so much pressure on the engine as the crux of the whole power process, heavy equipment components are extremely vulnerable to getting dirty and not working well as a result of the buildup of grease and grime. Things like heavy equipment oil coolers need to be cleaned out at least twice a year. If you’re wondering how to clean the parts, it’s similar to doing the dishes. You will just want to spray off any debris that has lodged in the engine with a hose, and then you can use specially formulated grease-fighting soap to attack the next layer of grime. Ask your mechanic before performing any big projects like this, just to make sure that you have all the right supplies and background knowledge.
Just about three in four engine fluid power failures are directly linked to contamination of the product. One of the key ways you can prevent this from happening is by using a hydraulic filter. These are some of the best heavy equipment parts for any part expected to suffer from a fluid power failure. One of the reasons is because they employ the most modern technology available today to keep the dirt and grime out of the engine power supply so it keeps running smooth and doesn’t need to be fixed. Hydraulic logic heavy equipment parts can also handle flows ranging from five to 5,000 GPM, even at pressures exceeding 6,000 PSI. This means you can count on your power equipment to run without fail.
Oil filters are key to helping the engine run clean and at the highest possible efficiency. These filters are rated according to the beta rating system, which means that each filter is assigned several beta ratios that describe its suitability for use with different particle sizes, such as two, five or 10 microns. You should talk to a professional who specializes in heavy equipment servicing before you change the filter, but you will want to ask what the best kind is and how often you have to change it in order to keep your engine running in tiptop shape.
If you’re still worried about how to keep your expensive purchases of large equipment from breaking, then it might be a good idea for you to talk to a professional in the business who knows the ins and outs of how to care for these high-priced tools. Before you make any changes or even perform any routine maintenance, it could be a good idea to talk to someone who’s done this before so you can get personalized advice on how to most effectively prevent failures of your machine.
If you’re ever in doubt, you can always call the manufacturer of the product and get their advice to see what the next steps should be. Remember to always do research on your options before making a big purchase, and don’t forget to factor in the cost and time required for maintenance every single year.