What do you think of when you think of business signs? Big store logos? A guy standing on a corner, going crazy with a spinner? Well, there are more choices of signs than you can imagine, and a full service sign company has them all: banners, yard signs, large digital printing, car wraps, lighted business signs, neon, LED message centers, window graphics, dimensional signs, and so much more.
What Can Digital Signs Do for Your Business
According Grand View Research Inc., the global digital signage market should reach more than $20 billion by 2020. That?s because locations with digital signage, average 30% more sales than those without; 40% of shoppers say they are more likely to buy from stores with digital signs. That?s because 63% of adults say that digital signage “catches their attention.? As well as having stopping power, 58% find digital advertising to be more unique, 53% find it more interesting and 48%% find it entertaining, and 26% find it less annoying than other media out there. Your local full service sign company can help you to design and install a terrific digital sign.
If you don?t have a sign displayed, 35% of people won?t even find your place of business to begin with; it?s a no brainer, you need a great sign.
New Signage is Affordable
Sign costs depend on the factors that go into design: size, material, color, and content. They can range in cost depending on size and design from as low as $8 for a basic sign (for example a 12? x 6,? with very basic design) up to $100 for a bigger, more complex sign (such as 30″ x 30,? with more complicated design). But no matter the cost, it is not just worth it, it is a necessity. An onsite, redesigned business sign, costs just $0.02 for every 1000 views, and it can reach more of your market than any other form of marketing. The proof is in the pudding ? 50% of new customers say they were drawn to a business by an on site sign.
Don?t Forget Your Neighborhood
Most brick and mortar stores find that 85% of their customers live within a five mile radius of the business, so it pays to have terrific outdoor business signage. You want your community to notice you, because 50% of new customers are drawn to a business by an on site sign. Up to 40% of consumers look at outdoor ads almost every time they pass one!
What are you waiting for? Contact a full service sign company and give your business the boost it needs!