The Role of Nurse Practitioners in Primary Care Services – Bright Healthcare

cutting costs and improving the quality of health. The nurse practitioner clinics offer the same high-quality medical care that physician-led clinics do. Research also shows that nurse practitioner-provided primary care is less costly than physician-provided primary care.

Due to the increasing level of complexity in primary care the services offered to seniors are becoming increasingly complex. The skills of nurse practitioners are advanced in diagnosis and treatment of common ailments. They also offer treatments to treat a wide range of chronic ailments that include anxiety, depression, and asthma.

Furthermore, chronic disease management will become even more popular as patients live longer lives. Therefore, nurse doctors will be more involved in primary care services more than they were in the earlier times. Nurse practitioners must be up-to-date using evidence-based guidance. Since their beginnings the time of nurse practitioners (NPs) have played an important part in primary health care. They are a key player in primary caredue to their expanded authority and practices.


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