Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg is making a lot of changes, famously purchasing small businesses WhatsApp and Oculus. Zuckerberg, apparently, is not finished. The Facebook CEO recently acquired another small company; this time, adding Finnish company ProtoGeo Oy to its list of recent takeovers. Why ProtoGeo Oy, and what can internet marketers and SEO services take away from Facebook’s plan of attack?
Facebook Targets ProtoGeo Oy’s Fitness-Tracking App, Moves
Moves automatically tracks distances walked, jogged, and ran per day. “In addition to the automated activity tracking, users can also manually enter data, and Moves says it supports more than 60 predefined activity types,” Apple Insider explains. “The app also acts as a pedometer and can plot a user’s daily movements on a map for later analysis.” Although Americans are becoming increasingly aware of nutrition and their overall health — and fitness technology is a lucrative market — experts do not believe that Zuckerberg plans to directly profit from Moves. (As of it stands, the app is completely free. It has been downloaded more than 4 million times since 2013.) Instead, BBC suggests that Facebook will use the app to better understand consumers and their interests — and ultimately use that information to craft improved advertisements.
Pay Attention, Marketers! Zuckerberg Shows Online Marketers How It’s Done
Zuckerberg’s actions are not random — and marketers and SEO companies can learn a great deal from them. First, Zuckerberg demonstrates that it is absolutely critical to stay as current and as relevant as possible. By purchasing moves, Facebook is closely researching a rapidly growing market and area of interest. Similarly, SEO services should do constant research to adapt to new Google algorithms and current market trends. The best SEO marketing, for example, will be adaptable and mobile-ready — and it will show up correctly on the various new mobile devices, tablets, and hybrid computers out there.
Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg is, indirectly, showing internet marketers and companies how it is done. Stay relevant at every stage of marketing and advertising — and do constant research to remain in the loop. Learn more about this topic here.