You want to ensure your long, safe career in the construction industry. Whether it is crane training or fall protection, the right safety training can prevent accidents on the job site. Find the best courses for your employees and ensure safety in the workplace everyday.
Millions of Americans have spent decades working in the construction industry. The construction industry can offer a stable career in a fast-paced environment. In May of 2013, the average hourly wage of a construction worker was $26.09. In the construction industry, falls are the leading cause of fatality. Unfortunately, this job security also comes with dangers. The construction industry has accidents around the country every year. If you want to ensure your employees work safely, make sure to take courses that can keep you safe.
The Occupational Saftey and Health Act of 1970 helps enforce safety regulations on the job. OSHA does regular safety inspections, and creates safety regulations for several kinds of occupations. OSHA training can come with a variety of equipment, including forklift safety training and lifting chains. Construction companies are advised by OSHA to train their employees in slip, trip, and fall safety. Safety training will help employees become more skilled on a variety of equipment.
Hard hats and steel toe boots are necessary for safety during any construction job. Hard hats and steel toe boots can protect you on the site. Fortunately for workers, there are several different training courses. The right safety training courses will teach you a variety of tips to keep you safe on the job site. There are fall protection programs, rigging certifications and material handling. Make sure to take all of the courses offered by your company.
Safety training can mean the difference between having a safe job site or one where accidents are all too common. The best companies will ensure their employees work hard and safely. Find the best safety training courses for your company and you will have a happy workforce.