Reducing Human Error in Manufacturing Helps Add to Company Profits

Corrective and preventive action (CAPA) is the process of making improvements to an organization’s processes. These processes are taken to eliminate causes of non-conformities, as well as other undesirable situations. In fact, CAPA training online is an important part of the strategic planning process of many companies of all sizes. The decision to have management team members make sure that they take CPAP training online is a step toward making sure that there is a process in place to look for areas of improvement and ways to track efforts for accident protection.
Finding how to prevent human error in manufacturing is an important part of the evaluation process of many companies. Fortunately, regulatory compliance courses online, as well as human error reduction training online courses allow companies of all size to make sure that they are employing the latest human error prevention tools to make sure that no profits are lost to injury, product damage, and equipment error.

Consider some of these facts and figures about the problems that are trying to be avoided by companies that enroll employees in CAPA training online and the effect that these practices have on the nation’s economy:

  • 50% of employees say they have become more motivated and productive after their bosses shared important information and data that they learned from CAPA training online and other valuable resources.
  • Slips and lapses, mistakes, and violations are the three types of active human errors, according to the Health and Safety Executive (HSE).
  • 51% of employees indicate that they are less productive at work because of stress, a problem that can be alleviated or exaggerated by the management team.
  • 45% of manufacturers report that there is room for improvement regarding accident prevention in their organization.
  • 80% of employees report that their employers expect too much work from too few people, a situation that can improve with more training and the right hires.
  • 23% of unplanned downtime in manufacturing is caused by human error.

Today’s business world is very competitive. And in a time when so many companies are not able to charge any more for the products that they sell, profit margins are very slim. As a result, it is important to make sure that there are little if no losses on the production side. From limiting manufacturing waste to eliminating human errors and personal injuries, companies can increase the profits that they see on a month by month basis.

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