Out Of Sight, But Not Out Of Mind The Usage Of Satellites In Our Everyday Lives

It’s incredible what some materials can go through nowadays.

Simple rubber and fiberglass can now do their part to help us gather valuable information. Silicone rubber fiberglass sleeving can make previously simple wires far more durable. Electronic, medical and aviation industries have been doing pretty well thanks to all these rail power products on the market. Actually utilizing these to the fullest of their ability, however, is easier said than done. When you need a data transmission cable that won’t fail at a critical moment or silicone rubber fiberglass sleeving that can withstand high temperatures, you need to be aware of the good, the bad and the ugly out there.

It’s time to get some extra science under your belt and learn about all the incredible materials just waiting to enhance your products.

Let’s start off with a little history. Much of what we take for granted today was still seen as a lofty concept, even a fantasy, back in the day. Science fiction author Arthur C. Clarke was among the first people to realize artificial satellites could be used for communication, for example. Back in the 1940’s he published a paper titled ‘The Space-Station: Its Radio Applications’, suggesting bouncing communication signals off an orbiting relay station in space was not just possible, but something to be expected.

Flash forward to the 1990’s, where we’ve become very reliant on satellites for global communication. Take the failure of the Galaxy 4 satellite back in 1998, for instance, where over 80% of pager users on earth had to deal with a sudden loss in ability. Satellites are also used for geospatial analysis, providing companies and health industries the numbers they need to assess the flow of entire populations. This information can determine how many jobs are available, whether or not certain deficits will be filled and even what the next few decades will look like, despite being very far off.

It’s not just satellites that benefit from incredible advances like environmental splice crimpers and silicone rubber fiberglass sleeving. Everyday homes can stand to swap out some of their lackluster materials in favor of an upgrade. A house that was built in the last 50 years likely contains safe, non-metallic sheathed cables. Non-metallic sheathed cables are also known as the ‘NM cable’, acting as a flexible electrical cable with a plastic sheath. Environmental hazards only grow by the day, so taking the initiative now will ensure both you and your customers are safe.

What can you expect to see when you skimp out on quality? Look no further than electrical hazards. These lead to more than 300 deaths and 4,000 injuries in the United States every year, with electrocution the sixth leading cause of workplace deaths in the country. An ‘overcurrent’ is a term that refers to an electrical current receives a load too high for its capacity. The two types of overcurrents are overloads and short circuits. A combination of fuses and circuit breakers are required to protect both workers and consumers from this occurrence.

Today silicone rubber fiberglass sleeving, heat treatment fiberglass sleeving and the aid of circuit breakers are used to keep this possibility as small as possible. A 100% rated circuit breaker is intended for continuous operation at 100% of the marked rating. That means it can go at full power without the risk of overheating or tripping. Countless industries and sectors rely on this steady balance between quality and reliability. You have aviation companies that need wires to withstand extreme temperatures and altitudes. You have everyday homeowners that want to know they’re safe from the possibility of electrocution.

In a short? It’s pretty incredible what a small advance in technology can do to improve our quality of life.

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