If you work in construction, rigging, or another industrial field, then you know how important safety training is. Construction safety courses are critical for everyone who uses rigging equipment, wire rope, or certex lifting products. Before you operate chain slings or wire rope slings, you should talk to your supervisor about construction safety training courses. In the meantime, here are a few facts about safety in the workplace.
- The Occupational Safety and Health Administration, or OSHA, regulates and enforces on-the-job fall protection competent person training.
The Occupational Safety and Health Act (1970) was established to give guidelines for heavy equipment training and other workplace safety training. OSHA conducts safety inspections and mandates certain requirements for industrial rescue courses. - In 2011, over 4,000 workers were killed on-the-job.
This is tragic and it’s important to take every safety precaution in order to prevent future deaths. The material handling industry is dangerous, and all workers should be education according to OSHA fall protection training. Every construction worker or heavy equipment operator deserves to feel safe at work, to protect themselves and others in the workplace. - Before entering a construction site, you need to have a hard hat and steel toe boots.
Without these safety essentials, you put yourself at risk for dangerous accidents. OSHA recommends that construction companies provide extensive training to employees to help them avoid slips, trips, and falls. Even with this training, there is always the risk of a serious injury. Employees can help lower this risk if they were proper safety gear while at work. - The four leading causes of workplace deaths are falls, electrocution, being struck by an object, and getting stuck between two objects.
If you use certex lifting products, you want to do everything you can to avoid these injuries. It’s possible to have a much safer work environment if you have received general forklift safety training. All new employees should be required to engage in safety training as well, because less experienced workers present a danger to everyone at the work site. - If you work with certex lifting products, make sure you take a fall safety course.
Fall safety courses and specifically targeted toward workers who face dangerous situations in which an injury could be fatal. Anyone who works with rigging supplies or round slings should take a safety course and have lots of practice with the equipment before using it around other people. Read this website for more information: www.certex.com