They say it’s better to give than to receive. there are many reasons for this but mainly it really does make you feel good. You feel better about giving things to other people than you do about receiving things. It’s great to get presents and to have people think of you and care about you but it’s even greater when you get to show someone else that you are thinking of them and care about them. That’s where donations for non profit organizations comes in. It’s a great way to feel good about yourself and at the same time, help someone else. When you give donations for non profit organizations, you are potentially helping families in need who are looking for donations and needing donations to get back on their feet. Giving charitable donations isn’t just about what you give, it’s about how you give it and who to.
Giving does something deep down. You could probably take a look around the room you sitting in right now, if you are home, and see several things that you could do without. But you don’t want to just throw them out because they’re in perfectly good condition. For example, from where I sit, I see a rocking chair that never gets used, several blankets that are practically new, an entire set of dishes that we definitely could do without and several decorations and knick knacks that are just collecting dust. If I gave up those up as donations for non profit organizations, I’d never miss them but someone else could make great use of them.
Clothing is a huge necessity among the donation world. There are so many people in need of clothes, shoes and coats. Non profit organizations are always looking for gently used clothing to offer out to the homeless and in need. Whenever there is a natural disaster, one of the main things that charities like the Red Cross take with him besides supplies is clothes. Clothes are the last thing that people take from their houses so often times they lose them all. If you have any clothing that could be donated, consider doing it and you could be helping out entire communities.
There is something to be said for those that live as minimalist. It’s easy to get caught up in the world of ‘stuff.’ Especially here in America, it’s perfectly normal and even acceptable to be materialistic and focus on making more money and having more things. But think of all of those that don’t have any of that. They don’t have the necessities much less materialistic stuff. Being able to live with only what you need will give you a different perspective on life. It make you more appreciative of your family and friends and the blessings in your life. It seems that the more people have, the more they want.
So, how to start? You might ask. Go through each room of your house one at a time. You won’t be able to do it all in one day but don’t worry about that, you can take your time. Start with a goal of one room a week. Get three large boxes. Label them: storage, donation and keep. In the storage box you can put all the things that you don’t want to get rid of but don’t need immediately on hand. The keep box is for things that you need on hand but maybe don’t belong in that room. Then, of course the donation box is for those things that are in good working order but you don’t need anymore. Once you have gone through the house you can put all the storage boxes neatly away in a storage closet or unit. The things in the ‘keep’ box can be redistributed through out the house in the appropriate places. Lastly, the donation boxes will need to be loaded up into a car or truck and taken to your chosen donation center.
Also keep in mind that often times, donations for non profit organizations can be picked up at your house by the organization. To find out if one has a pick up service, go online to their website or call the specific organization.