In life there is nothing more important than communicating and if you disagree then try to spend a day without communicating and see how that goes. Yeah, it probably does not work out so well for you when you do not communicate for a day. From working in the workplace to living with someone you love, communication is important to have success in any area of life.
When most people communicate they will spend almost half f the time listening. Some people do not listen, however, and they end up doing nothing more than preparing themselves to have some sort of response. It is important to know how to listen and how to respond effectively, especially in the workplace. Here is what you should know about the benefits of employee training and development, company retreat trips, and going on a work retreat.
Right now, roughly 77% of all employers believe that personal skills are just as important as hard skills and nearly 16% find them to be more important than that. Going on a work retreat can help you and your staff with communication and leadership ability. Organizational development training is great for workers in the workplace and can help businesses succeed.
Soft skills are indicative of employee ability to problem solve, a measure of reliability, and leadership potential. Among the top 10 soft skills sought by employers include Work ethic 73%; Dependability 73%; Positive attitude 72%; Self-motivation 66%; Team-orientation 60%; and Organization skills 57%. Business owners that go and play a work retreat can work with employees to develop and solidify these essential skills through group activities and strategic planning.
Just about 85% of all managers say that work ethic and attitude are the most important considerations when they go out and decide to choose a candidate. This is because with the right attitude and work ethic people can undoubtedly accomplish great things in their lives because they will know how to deal with adversity. It is important to note that most companies will fail in hiring a good manager almost 80% of the time when they hire a manager.
Just about less than one-third of all Americans will be engaged in their jobs in any given year and more than 70% of all managers will account for the variance in employee engagement scores across business units. Planning a fun and well-organized work retreat will help managers be better at their job as well. A survey was conducted that revealed most entry-level employees lack in problem-solving, critical observation, and conflict resolution skills.
In 2013, the amount of money invested in planning a work retreat to help build leadership development was estimated to be over $15 billion. This number is so high because so many business owners and leaders will know that they can only succeed if they have strong leadership in the workplace. There is no question that a business owner cannot lead all of the time and thus they need someone to be able to step in and help them when they are not there.
In Conclusion
When a business owner plans a work retreat they can easily implement soft skills training to help develop workers into positions of management. This is important to know because when hiring a manager, it is best for a business to go in-house and hire someone currently working for their company. This is because entry-level employees will be able to work better with someone that they have known for quite some time and they are more open to this as opposed to working for someone new coming in that they do not trust. Make sure you plan a strong and fun work retreat for your employees.