Energy Efficiency Is a High Priority for Many Property Owners

With the use of the latest spray foam insulation machines building contractors can offer final products that are far more energy efficient than buildings in the past. In fact, spray foam rigs have become so important to the residential and commercial building process that many contractors now own their own spray foam insulation machines and rigs instead of renting them.

In a time when many business and personal budgets are stretched thin, it should come as no surprise that there are many of us who are looking for ways to save energy and cut costs. With the improved use of spray foam insulation machines and many high energy products, many business and home owners are able to see substantial savings.

Are Your Energy Bills Higher Than You Want?

When was the last time you complained about how much your monthly utility bills were? if you are like most Americans you are likely looking for ways to save money on home or office energy costs so that you can meet the demands of the other expenses that we are facing. The latest research from the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) Energy Star Program estimates that by adding insulation and properly sealing air leaks a property owner can see monthly energy bills decrease by as much as 20%. In addition to being good for the pocket book, these energy savings are usually also good for the environment.

Not surprising, the Department of Energy also reports that approximately 56% of the energy used in homes in the U.S. is for heating and cooling. When you find a way to make sure that those costs are cut you can limit the energy that you use and make our planet a better place. Consider some of these other facts and figures about the

  • Between the years 2016 and 2026, HVAC employment rates are expected to rise 15%.
  • Commercial property owners could save approximately $40 billion if the energy efficiency of commercial buildings was improved by a mere 10%.
  • $400 billion is the combined yearly energy costs of all the industrial and commercial buildings in the U.S.
  • The portion of America’s annual energy created by fossil fuel combustion is 82%.
  • As much as 40% of a building’s energy loss is due to poor air filtration, a problem that can be easily corrected.
  • The total consumption of energy in the U.S. was approximately 97.4 quadrillion in 2016, which is equivalent to 1,000 trillion BTUs.

Whether you are preparing to build a new home or you are looking at ways to make your current home more energy efficient, there is always money to be saved by making sure that you have the latest energy saving insulation installed in your home. Combined with carefully sealing of cracks and leaks, the best insulation can lead to a significant savings in the heating and cooling costs that you need to pay.

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