The benefits of hiring a cleaning company cannot possibly be understated. Due to regular exposure to harmful substances in the air and in mundane residences alike, janitorial services are a necessary buffer between the everyday person and illness. Cleaning companies are trained professionals that tackle a wide variety of everyday issues, from disinfecting to disposal of trash, that will create cleaner residential or work environments.
How Do Cleaning Services Work?
Cleaning services are a regular resources you can tap into to reduce workplace illness and exposure to harmful substances. While commercial cleaning services vary from business to business, they uphold a high standard of living and working through eco-friendly cleaning products and rigorous training programs. Most cleaning agencies will work second and third shifts since buildings are usually cleaned when people aren’t present. Office buildings have been found to comprise the largest segment of commercial cleaning contracts in the industry, totaling up to 31% year after year.
What Are Common Hazards?
Everyday hazards exist right under your nose. With green cleaning services you can reduce the chance for illness in yourself as well as your employees or customers. The average desk is home to 10 million bacteria and studies have shown there are at least 21,000 germs per square inch on your keyboard, mouse, table and chair. Flu viruses have been found to survive on hard surfaces for up to two days at a time, making the winter season particularly frustrating for businesses and customers alike. Lastly, many workplaces have telephone systems used by multiple employees — these office phones harbor more than 25,000 germs per square inch.
What Are Common Habits?
Little day-to-day habits can contribute to unclean work environments that encourage spreadable illness. Nearly 30% of Americans will eat breakfast at their desk, with another 62% eating lunch where they work or study. Half of all people also prefer to snack on the go. Food particles can accumulate bacteria and insects if left untreated and need to be removed on a regular basis with the aid of clean cleaning products.
What Are The Results Of Unclean Environments?
Unclean environments are more than just a nuisance. A building left to accumulate bacteria can make people sick, put high-risk populations in danger and drastically affect business figures in the long-term. Sick days cost businesses nearly $225 billion dollars every year, resulting in a 54% loss of productivity that can be easily avoided. The Centers For Disease Control estimate anywhere from 5% to 20% of all Americans will contract the flu every year — up to 80% of all infections are spread through hand contact with contaminated surfaces as well as direct human contact.
How Can I Keep My Residence Or Workplace Clean?
Janitorial services can remove the vast majority of bacteria, environmental hazards and lingering germs from your building of choice and cultivate a clean and reliable business area. A 2002 study published by the National Center for Education Statistics examined the cleanliness of the average school environment — nearly 67% showed at least one unacceptable physical or structural condition relating to cleanliness or disrepair, with another 16% devoted to excess trash. Another study in 1999 tested the efficacy and financial viability of microfiber usage in hospitals as a replacement for standard cleaning products. Later results saw extended savings as well as reduced labor for all parties. With the winter season only getting colder, janitorial services will help everybody from the ground up.