When’s the last time you had to replenish your office supplies? Whether you’re a graphic designer with a massive art desk or a student returning to school, everyone has a need for 3 ring binders, ballpoint pens and inkjet labels at some point in their lives! It can get costly when you have to constantly fill out your office desk, though, and finding the right deals and durable supplies can go a long way in keeping your wallet happy.
Printing And Packaging Fun Facts
Did you know that there were over seven million U.S. copiers in 1991? Printing and writing paper is around one half of all of U.S. paper production and the average office worker will use at least 10,000 sheets of copy paper each year. That’s no small sum to sneeze at! While recycling can curb some of the costs, America is still looking for cost-efficient ways of producing and using paper materials.
Heading Back To School?
School shopping trends have found that an average of $700 in supplies are needed from kindergarten to high school! Saving on school supplies means finding binders and backpacks that can withstand daily use. At least one-third of back-to-school shoppers, as well as almost half of all college families, are doing their shopping online as of late. Shopping online not only can save on regular trips, customer reviews and easily accessible background information can help ensure that your money on bubble mailers or spiral notebook graph paper isn’t wasted.
Reduce Your Clutter!
Not only can clutter be counter-intuitive to your wallet, it can hamper your productivity! An estimated eight out of 10 people find unorganized clutter to be distracting and frustrating, which means early spring cleaning can actually help you get your homework or projects done faster. Over half of all Americans will judge co-workers by the cleanliness of their office space, to boot, which means tidying up could even see your reputation improving! Whether it’s buying another pack of inkjet labels or sprucing up your cubicle, finding the right products and keeping a few good habits in your back pocket will go a long way during the busy workweek.