Are You Looking for a Way to Cut the Energy Costs in Your Home or Office?

Today’s cost of living seems to continue to creep higher and higher at the same time that many Americans feel as if their wages have leveled out. This means, of course, that there is a growing need for many property owners to look for ways that they can save money. For some, that might mean exploring what they can do to cut the amount of money that they spend on energy costs.

Did you know, for instance, that the combined yearly energy costs of all the industrial and commercial buildings in the U.S. is approximately $400 billion? With the use of the latest spray foam parts on the newest spray foam rigs, it is possible to add extra insulation to any size and kind of building. This extra insulation makes a home more energy efficient, and the latest research indicates that if the energy efficiency of commercial buildings was improved by even 10%, it would save approximately $40 billion.

New and Improved Spray Foam Parts and Products Continue to Help Commercial and Residential Property Owners Save Money

Spray foam insulation equipment continues to play an important role in the building process of residential and commercial buildings of all size. In a time when many people are looking for a way to decrease their carbon footprint, it is important to know that energy inefficiency is a real problem. In fact, the portion of the U.S.’s annual energy created by fossil fuel combustion is 82%, and this will only continue to increase unless we look for ways to actively cut the energy loss and waste that is such a part of many of our homes and businesses.

Consider some of these other facts and figures about the ways that homes and businesses can be made more energy efficient and clean, as well as the role that energy costs play in the nation’s economy:

  • To maintain optimum air quality, residential humidity levels should be kept between 30% and 55% indoor humidity.
  • The U.S., following China, consumed the most energy in the world in 2016 at 2,272.7 million metric tons of oil.
  • Approximately 56% of the energy used in homes in the U.S., is for heating and cooling, according to the Department of Energy.
  • As much as 40% of a building’s energy loss is due to poor air filtration.
  • It should come as no surprise that HVAC employment rates are expected to rise 15% from the year 2016 to the year 2026.
  • The total consumption of energy in the U.S. in 2016 was approximately 97.4 quadrillion (1,000 trillion) BTUs.

Fortunately, the professional use of spray foam parts is a real advantage. In fact, the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) Energy Star Program estimates that by adding insulation and properly sealing air leaks, monthly energy bills could be slashed by as much as 20%. In a time when the cost of living continues to rise and many salaries do not, it is increasingly important to make sure that you are doing everything you can to cut the monthly energy costs in your home or office.

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