Air Cargo, Ocean Cargo, Point-To-Point Terms To Be Familiar With When Choosing Shipping Methods

Businesses today are defined by more than just their product.

Your first few thoughts might be customer service or the cleanliness of your main building. While both of those are certainly true, e-commerce has pushed one particular aspect to the forefront…good, timely shipping services. For many customers today this can be the biggest deal-breaker, even when taking into account discounts and reputation. When you ask, “What is a purchasing agent?”, you ask how you can make your business rise to the top. The first order of business is to find the best form of shipping for your unique model.

Whether you’re a local small business or a medium-sized business looking to expand, this is one list you won’t want to skip.

What Are Today’s Shipping Statistics Like?

What’s shipping and cargo looking like today? Recent studies have painted a bigger picture as to what you should expect in terms of pricing and demand. According to IBIS World’s research, the air cargo industry has already exceeded $75 billion in revenue. The air cargo industry, in fact, represents 30% of the total worldwide shipment value. That isn’t to say it’s the superior, or only, option available to you. A certified purchasing agent can ensure you’re always up-to-date on what’s best for your business.

Which Method Is Best For Shipping Food?

If you work in the food industry — or are considering doing so — you’re likely wondering which shipping option will give you the most flexibility. When shipping perishable food it’s recommended you use a combination of insulated packaging and dry ice to preserve food for one to two days. Local businesses will benefit mightily from point-to-point transportation, while international businesses will likely have to turn to American cargo shipping to make ends meet. These are terms you’ll become more familiar with as time goes on.

What Is Point-To-Point Transportation?

One method you might already be considering is point-to-point transportation. Decreasing both travel time and cost-effective, this is fast becoming the preferred method for many businesses today. Point-to-point transportation reduces the amount of time needed through close connections, ideal for local businesses that rely on a small network. Not only is this incredibly economical, it also reduces the risk of damaged and loss goods. Less-than-truckload (or LTL) just might be your most popular method yet.

What About Other Forms Of Cargo Shipping?

While commonly associated with being the slowest form of transportation, ocean cargo still holds strong for being able to carry large loads reliably. While small businesses might not see as much of a need, medium-sized businesses and larger that ship out equipment or electronics might want to consider the function of air and ocean partners. Your first order of business, however, is to keep your eye on the prize. “What is a purchasing agent?” will give you a professional that is well familiar with the shipping landscape and all the tiny details you might overlook.

What Is A Purchasing Agent?

When you’re becoming overwhelmed by the sheer volume of orders your getting — much less all the different types of shipping — a purchasing agent will be there to help. They’ll offer you air shipping rates, consult with your partners on potential setbacks, and draw up a plan you can follow week after week. Air freight services today have tighter control over their cargo shipping due to being time sensitive. Point-to-point transportation, however, is both environmentally friendly and convenient.

Give your business its best possible shot at success. Hire a purchasing agent and make sure your customers are always enjoying fast, reliable shipping services.

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