4 Ways to Take a Professional Head Shot for a LinkedIn Profile

Data shows that someone forms a first impression of a complete stranger in one-tenth of a second based on their face alone, nothing more. That can be pretty scary when you meet people in public, knowing that you have one shot to make a good impression that quick, but the good news is we can introduce ourselves online long before meeting face to face. That means when we meet potential friends and colleagues we have already talked some, feel like we have some sort of connection or bond and have seen what they look like, from a picture of course. That means if you are doing business online using a platform like Linkedin you better have a pretty good profile pic. Of course that’s not the only reason, those doing business from linkedin get 11 time more attention and 40% more mail when they have a photo on their profile. Obviously we can see the importance of good linkedin headshots, so let’s look at some ways to make your linkedin headshots stand out.


The colors you choose to wear are going to be important for the photo. You don’t want too many colors going on around you. Try to choose a solid color shirt and make sure you have a solid color background. Opt for softer colors of clothing rather than bright ones. Since most linkedin headshots are from the face to the waist the shirt is really what matters. If you wear a tie make sure it’s not to eccentric. If you are wearing jewelry make sure it accents the clothes rather than cause more chaos in the photo.


Don’t wear sunglasses in your photo. Make sure that you make contact with the camera. Eye contact will give viewers the impression that you are looking at them. Make sure to smile and accent the jawline. If you opt to wear makeup make sure to choose neutral colors of makeup. Corporate headshots are not the right time to experiment with loud makeup. Keep it natural, neutral and simple.


You don’t want a dark photo that is hard to see, because then others will have a hard time seeing you as well. At the same time you don’t want false fluorescent lights overhead or the flashy flash from your phone camera either. There are far better ways to achieve the lighting you want and your picture needs. Try utilizing the natural light that is almost always around us. The sunlight. Stand across the room from a window that lets sunlight in. Face the sunlight when taking the picture. If sunlight is not an option use a lamp for lighting. This will give your picture a warm glow as opposed to bright unnatural lighting from camera flashes.


This one can be extremely important although you may not think twice about it. Keeping your profile current is extremely important especially for those times when you are meeting potential clients in person. They expect to know who they are looking for based upon your headshot. If you color or cut your hair that would be a good time to update your photo. If you haven’t updated your photo in years, then now might be a good time to update it. People will look for you based on the photo, and when it’s important for them to be able to find you, you want them looking for the right person.

Some people opt to have professional photography studios take professional photos for their linkedin headshots, but that’s not a requirement. The exact same affect can be achieved at home with far less money. All it takes is a little knowledge and implementing that knowledge when taking the picture. A good picture can help you connect easily with others and help them rate your qualities based off that picture. Forget your feet and put your best face forward for that picture.

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