The material handling industry knows the importance of rigging. Rigging is used when there are heavy materials that need to be moved. It is important to always monitor work safety. However, rigging could have you facing additional threats that you will need to watch out for. If you can follow proper safety precautions, each work site will likely be free of any incidents. In this post, we will discuss three methods for ensuring your next rigging experience is a safe one.
- Choose the Right Equipment for the Job – Material handling industry workers must ensure they are using the proper equipment. You don’t want to be in a situation where you are using whatever is available. When handling materials, having the proper machinery helps to ensure no accidents occur. In addition, construction machines are made to work with a certain weight range. Using unsuitable machinery could mean that you put too much weight load on your equipment. Always ensure that inspections are up to date on any machine before it is taken out into the field.
- Check Weather Conditions – A recent report shows that worker injuries are down from 10.9 accident per 100 workers, all the way down 3.5, seen in 2011. One of the ways that you can help keep incident numbers low is to check the weather. This particular word of advice may seem common knowledge but the weather is always changing. You never want to assume that, after checking the night before, you’ll know exactly how the weather will play out. Staying up to date with a real-time weather app, or checking your local news for conditions are both smart choices. Wind speeds are one of the most important factors during work in the material handling industry. Rigging hardware could get ripped apart by dangerous winds. It’s always wise to check conditions before beginning any working day.
- Have Spotters at the Ready – A spotter is an extra worker who is used to help watch distances and clearances. These workers will usually be by someone operating rigging equipment to help guide them. Workers can get into a zone, without realizing that they are about to crash into something. A spotter knows where to look and what to watch for, helping to make any project run smoother. Each business will have their own unique way of ensuring communication between workers. You’ll want a spotter to be able to be heard loud and clearly by anyone nearby.
- Ensure Slings are in Perfect Condition – A sling is your safety net while you are on a rig. It is imperative that slings be thoroughly checked before work is set to begin. There are multiple types of slings that can be used including single, two, three, or four leg slings. No matter which sling type you are using, ensure there is no evidence that this item is heavily worn. OSHA has their own three-part system for preventing workplace falls, plan, provide, and train. Ensuring that all rigging supplies are in proper working condition takes care of planning.
In closing, ensuring that all rigging equipment is safe is an important process. Ensuring you have the right equipment helps to get the job done right the first time. Checking weather conditions will keep you advised, should you need to call it a day early. Slings are what are used to protect your workers. You must ensure that all slings are in working condition and are not worn or frayed. If you follow the previously mentioned safety tips, your next rigging job will be a safe one.