From the lingering wildfires in California to the burn bans in the state of Louisiana, it has rarely been a more important time to make sure that your business fire sprinkler repairs are completed and that all of your inspections are up to date. As the nation watched hundreds of homes and businesses go up in flames in the last two to three weeks, in fact, it should come as no surprise that many business owners across the nation are making the fire sprinkler repair and upgrades at the top of their list of priorities.
Whether you are a business owner or a home owner, in fact, the flames in California are a reminder of how truly devastating fires can be. Whether they are caused by human carelessness or natural circumstances, finding a way to keep your workers, your family, and your property safe from fire should be a number one concern.
Fire protection type services include a number of different types of fire alarm systems, fire sprinkler systems, as well as fire suppression systems. Understanding how to protect or minimize a fire, prevent loss, and guarantee life safety are essential factors that every business and home owner should be aware of. Fire sprinkler inspection services can make sure that your current system is in running order so that it can do its job in the event of a fire, but it is also important that both employees and family members understand the safety measures they should take as well.
Consider some of these statistics about the continuing need for fire protection services in both businesses and homes:
- 55% of medical facility fires start from confined cooking.
- Apartments, hotels, offices, and facilities that care for the sick account for half of high-rise fires.
- The U.S. fire departments responded to an estimated average of 6,240 structure fires in or on health care properties a year between the years of 2006 and 2010.
- An Early Warning Fire Detection (EWFD) system is required for U.S. based small data centers that are below 2,500 square feet.
- Hotel and motel fires result in $76 million in property loss every year.
The next time that you see a national story about fires in the U.S., consider it a wake up call and make sure that you have all of the necessary fire prevention plans in place.