Metal is everything. This is more than a noble platitude, as metal is used in so many modern applications it’s enough to make even professional’s head spin. Because of the common nature of this element and its flexibility in everyday life, businesses in countless industries around the world are always on the hunt for materials that can outdo the competition at smart prices. Should you choose a C63200 aluminum bronze alloy? What different grades of steel should you be aware of when choosing the materials that undercut your company’s stand-out products? These questions can seem deep, but they’re exactly where you need to start to get the most out of the earth’s most valuable resource.
Did you know both nickel and nickel-containing materials are one of the most common metals in our everyday lives? Not only is it found in a wealth of applications, nickel use overall is growing at an impressive rate of 4% every year. Compare this to the use of nickel-containing stainless steel, which is growing at around 6%. The four most common metals used in the construction industry are aluminum, carbon steel, copper and stainless steel.
Aluminum Bronze
Nickel isn’t the only metal that enjoys a lot of attention. Aluminum bronze alloys, be they at the C63200 grade or higher, are made up of anywhere from 9% to 12% aluminum alongside additions of 6% iron and nickel. Alloy steels are divided into four classes for easy identification no matter the business — examples of alloys include structural steels, tool and die steels, magnetic alloys and heat-resistant steels.
Stainless Steel
A more commonly known element among both consumers and businesses, stainless steel 304 is the most common grade of stainless steel used around the world. Stainless steel is characterized by its anti-rust quality as well as its ability to be easily recycled and put back into the economy with little trouble. This makes it an environmentally friendly material that reduces the need for more energy-consuming products like brick, mortar and wood.
Durability, Qualities And Strengths
From providing the wires for television sets to the links in chain-link fences, metals are constantly studied and improved to enhance our quality of life. Submarines are required to operate at least 100 metres below the Sonic Layer Depth to avoid detection. This means they need a metal with a high yield strength in order to pass this essential test. Monel 400 is a unique alloy that can retain its shape and strength even at 2,372 degrees Fahrenheit. A common aluminum bronze alloy is the C63200 model, dependable for most applications.
Everyday Applications
What metal suits your company best depends on your goals for the future. Environmentally conscientious metals, flexible metals and durable alloys are all prime places to start in order to better match your bottom line with consumer perception. Five of the most common applications involving Stainless Steel 316 are laboratory equipment, boat fittings, pharmaceutical processing equipment, chemical containers and jet engine parts. The earth is home to an endless variety of materials. Taking advantage of them is just a matter of getting down and dirty with the facts.