Few of us think about what is actually in the water we drink — we would prefer to think that there’s nothing in it at all. Unfortunately, this isn’t the case everywhere. Recent new stories have brought into sharp relief the fact that not all drinking water is really safe to drink, and we may be taking in harmful contaminants when we drink or otherwise use the water in our homes. This is unacceptable — and luckily, the issue can be combatted through in home water purification systems. The best water systems are not only available to purify the water — they’re often offered by companies that can provide water analyses before the systems are installed, letting you know exactly how badly you might need a home water treatment system. The more you know about your home water, the more quickly you will be able to act and have your water purified. Below, we’ll look into some facts you might not know about water, which will hopefully bring to evidence exactly how important water management systems are. The best water systems aren’t necessarily complicated — in fact, they can be fairly simple to have installed, and to use. Let’s look into why you should make the leap towards reverse osmosis water softeners.
1. More People Need Water Filtration Systems Than You Might Know
The best water management systems are usually used to purify tap water. While some people have already switched over to other water systems, many still get their tap water from public water systems. In fact, the majority of Americans — that is, nearly 300 million people — still get their tap water from public water systems. The other 15% get their water from private sources. These sources are not subject to federal regulation, which in some cases means that they are more likely to be contaminated. However, any water source has a risk of being contaminated, even if it’s merely due to human error. Public water systems that are subject to federal regulation might not be as pure as they should be, and it can be impossible to know whether or not your water has been contaminated unless you have your home water tested. Part of the reason why your water could end up being contaminated may simply be because of your home’s age. Unfortunately, some older water pipes may still contain lead — which can have devastating effects on those who consume it, especially children.
2. Contaminants Can Have Long-Term Effects
Sadly, 480,000 children each year develop learning disabilities due lead exposure. Children need to have pure, healthy drinking water in order to properly develop both mentally and physically. While lead is perhaps the main concern for most people who look into water purification systems, it’s by no mean the only contaminant that can get into drinking water. In developing countries, drinking impure, contaminated water is the leading cause of epidemics spreading. But this issue isn’t confined to developing nations — in any given region, there are over 2,100 different contaminants that can be present in tap water. Some people choose water filtration systems simply because of contaminants that were intentionally added to water systems — right now, most tap water contains fluoride, added to decrease cavities. Too much fluoride can actually decrease bone strength, and so many parents don’t want as much of it in their water. Luckily, the best water systems can combat these contaminants.
3. Filtration Systems Are The Only Means Through Which We Can Purify Water
The best water systems are point-of-use filtration systems — and they are the only means through which can we can ensure that your water is clean and safe to drink. While it, of course, costs money to have a water purification system installed in your home, it’s worth it. This way, you aren’t relying on an outside source to ensure that your water is pure: you can know for certain that you aren’t drinking harmful contaminants, and can rest easy once your system is installed.