Recent media stories have increased concerns around the quality of our water supplies, as a country. Most homes are equipped with public water systems. Most residents expect, when paying for public water systems that their water will be of high quality. Although many federal and state regulations require minimum standards of water quality, these water systems are often not tested frequently enough. The plumbing systems that were first put into action for much city water sources are outdated and can cause problems in the water sources. Complete renovation of the plumbing in a city?s water sources can be extremely expensive, preventing many cities from having the ability to do so.
The majority of Americans (almost 300 million people) get their tap water from public water systems. The other 15% receive water from private water systems not subject to government regulation. Regardless of your source of water to your home, it can be beneficial to have your water source tested for quality and safety. Many water management systems may actually not come up to minimum requirements. Other water management systems may be right on the border of quality, with room for much improvement.
Most water sources contain a multiple amount of components. For example, public water systems are known for containing fluoride, which is a benefit. However, too much fluoride in the water can actually be harmful. Most tap water contains fluoride, a salt compound that helps to prevent cavities. Too much fluoride can decrease bone strength.
A homeowner who is concerns with the quality levels of their water should invest in a water management systems test. These tests can generally be done by a professional or the homeowner can purchase a home testing kit themselves. The test involves testing small samples of your actual water. Some testing kits may require the water to sit for a few hours, sometimes day, to allow any bacteria to grow, if it is present.
Most testing kits or professionals will be aware of the specific state or cities minimum standards. If the water quality is below these standards, the city should be contacted. However, improvement can still be made for home?s that meet the minimum standards, but are still not in the ideal water quality level. Things like water softeners and water filtration systems allow homeowners to filter their water, directly from the water source.
Sometimes an issue with the home?s plumbing system can be found. Some old water pipes still contain lead, which is a poisonous metal when consumed. Each year, 480,000 children develop learning disabilities due to lead exposure. If the water management systems testing shows increased lead levels, the homes plumbing system may need to be tested. The homeowner may have to replace their water plumbing systems.
Lead problems are often the most drastic of water problems. Most homes will find that their increased levels are in things like fluoride, hard water and chemicals. The best reverse osmosis systems allow homeowners to improve the quality of their water. The best systems hard water and best water softeners can be provided by a professional water consultant. Water softener maintenance may also need to be completed by a professional water system consultant.
Recent news stories have surrounded the quality of our countries drinking water, specifically in certain cities. This has caused many homeowners to worry about the quality of their own home?s drinking water. Water testing kits can be done to measure the level of different items in the source of water. Elevated levels can be compared against city minimums. If a problem is found, the city should be contacted or systems like water softeners and reverse osmosis systems can be installed to improve the quality of the water. Water is an important part of our day and we should ensure that we are receiving the best and safest sources of water.