As the world attempts to process the latest bombings in Brussels, individuals struggle to come to grips with how to find hope and faith in a time of hatred and fear. When both terrorists abroad and politicians at home spew anger fueled comments at each other, finding the strength to stay positive and focused on the true message of life can be difficult.
Christian mentorship and leadership may be the answer to today’s current events and life’s greatest struggles. Professional Christian women across the country are attempting to provide a platform and a playing field where others with similar views can find strength and guidance.
The Rule of Seven
A Sunday School teacher in the midwest used to tell her students, ages seven through 19, the importance of Christian mentorship. She explained that having a goal of finding seven strong mentors may be the secret to a successful life. If every student had seven adults other than their parents they could turn to advice, they would find what they needed.
What if every adult followed this advice? What if every adults had seven Christian mentorship candidates that he or she could ask for advice? Advice on what to do with an unethical practice a work. Advice on what to do when it comes time to negotiate your own salary. Advice on what promotions to ask for.
Research indicates that women might especially benefit from a Christian mentorship. Did you know, for instance, that only 7% of women negotiate their starting salary? While few men would ever think of starting a new job without negotiating their salary, women seem to be willing to settle for whatever they are offered. In the best case scenarios, mentorships take place in a one on one setting. If, however, this best case scenario is not available, small group workshops can be very effective.
Some companies, in fact, pay for their most promising employees to attend week long seminars that focus on connecting with mentors and leadership training. Companies often select the employees they send to these workshops based on early strengths that these candidates show. On candidate, for example, may have demonstrated the ability to diffuse an otherwise tense situation. Another candidate may have been selected because of her calm demeanor even as stressful upcoming deadlines approach.
Medium to Large Size Conferences Can Present and Provide Mentoring and Leadership Principles
A current trend in the motivational industry is to gather Christian women speakers together to present their ideas and inspiration to all women audiences. In a time when 34% of evangelical Christians say that it is more difficult to be a member of their religious group in recent years than in the past. These Christian womens events help attendees increase their networks, while at the same time share success stories of the presenters. Christian conferences for women often become local annual events that show strong crowd in registrations each year that they return.
Small businesses and churches that are looking for ways to strengthen their female work force often band together to create Christian leadership conferences. By pulling in other groups who are willing to cover the cost of the even with registration fees, even small organizations can afford to contract with Christian media and entertainment personalities.
Networking Is the Most Effective Way to Increase Business Contacts
People are powerful, and when they are connected with other like minded individuals they become unstoppable. Finding a way to connect with Christian Mentorship programs can make the difference between a job and a meaningful career:
- 80% of jobs are found through networking.
- 84% of people say they prefer in-person meetings, as opposed to conference phone or video calls.
- 85% of people say they build stronger, more meaningful business relationships during in-person business meetings and conferences.
- 77% of people say they prefer in-person conferences because they are able to read body language and facial expressions.
- 95% of people say face-to-face meetings are essential for establishing long-term business relationships.
How confident do you feel in your work environment? Would a strong Christian Mentor be beneficial to you? If so, perhaps it is time that you look into the options for attending a Christian leadership conference in your area. A conference that allows you to network.