When many of us think about charitable donations, we think about clothing donations. However, there are many other items you can give away if you do not have any clothing items to give. Perhaps you have just moved and either gave away or sold most of your clothes that you would not be needing. If you still want to give to charity, you can give several household donations to charities.
Here are four household items to give away if you no longer need them. These household donations are wonderful ways to help those in need.
1. A coffee pot
Have you recently bought a single-cup coffee maker or an espresso machine and have no use for your old coffee pot? A family somewhere in the U.S. can definitely benefit from that coffee pot and allow for them to make a nice hot cup of coffee in the morning before work to share with their family. These can make great gifts as well, for someone on a budget looking to give a gift to a loved one.
2. Pots and pans
If you are over your old school pots and pans and decided to buy a new copper set, don’t throw those pots and pans in the trash! There are several people who could use those pots and pans to cook their favorite meals, and you know just how expensive news pots can be! These are wonderful household items to give to donation centers.
3. Framed artwork
If you’re trying to go for a more minimal look for your home, you might be ready to give away from of the framed artwork you had hanging on the walls. These make great household donations and you can easily give them to a place like Purple Heart donations in order for them to resell them at an affordable price to others.
4. 6 piece dish sets
If you have an old dish set that was given to you as a gift or that you have simply grown out of, you can give it to a donation center. These dishes can be used by a family looking to have a meal together and maybe upgrade their older dishes with ones that have nice designs on them.
Do you need to know where to donate household items? No fear! There are several local charities near you that are looking to accept donations. A quick online search can help you find the ones closest to you.
What are you thinking of donating? Let us know in the comments below!