If you’re looking to hire some new sales staff, there are some key traits you should be looking for as you interview potential employees. If you’re wondering how to find qualified employees in this competitive market, using a sales recruitment firm or a sales staffing agency can be a great place to start. Even better, they take on much of the legwork and are more likely to find you great applicants who are highly qualified, driven, and stellar employees. Making sure you attract the right candidates is important, as employee turnover can be quite costly to your company. So how do you find the right people who will fit into your company, make your business appealing enough to maintain employee loyalty, and whose employment will benefit your company in the long run? Read on below to find out what you should be looking for and considering in your interviewing process!
The Shocking Statistics Behind Sales
Even though there are over 22 million sales professionals working in North America, after companies look at the statistics, they can be dismayed at their applicant pool. This is perhaps in part because of those 22 millions, around 40% will miss quota, over 20% can’t be trained, and only a mere 10% will actually provide their company with a return on investment. Over 30% of sales people have been with their company for under a year. In addition, an employer’s sales hiring mistake can cost them six to ten times of their employee’s base salary.
Additionally, despite perseverance being one of the most important traits for a salesperson to have, almost 50% of salespeople will just give up on a sale after receiving just one “no.” And research shows that only 20% of sales leads are ever pursued or followed up on by sales professionals. Those numbers are disheartening.
So What Makes the Best Sales People?
Selling is essentially a social business, so you want your sales reps to be personable and friendly. For example, a warm smile and a firm handshake can go a long way at a first meeting. You should look for a person’s charisma, adaptability, confidence, and enthusiasm during an interview. Prior experience isn’t as important, especially if you have a solid base of experienced sales reps who can help mentor the new employees.
Perseverance and patience are also important qualities, given that around 80% of non-routine sales happen only after a person follows up around five times! Indeed, over 60% of people who inquire about your company won’t buy for three months and 20% won’t buy for about a year, so perseverance and follow-up is crucial.
Good research and communication skills and adaptability and expertise with current technology are also important skills. If sales reps have good marketing skills, they’ve been shown to bring in 25% more profits. Employees who go into a sale with a carefully outlined strategy are 33% more likely to close sales.
How Can a Sales Staffing Agency Help You?
A sales staffing agency can help you find the best individual for your company, work culture, and industry. It can be difficult to do that on your own, which is where they come in. A sales staffing agency also have a much wider range of personal contacts in the field, which can help them reach a wider pool of candidates.
Using a sales staffing agency can also help save you time and manpower. Many recruiting firms will interview, conduct a background check, and further screen potential sales representatives. After the sales representatives have been appropriately screened, the firm then will place them with companies. They manage the whole process from beginning to end, taking it off of your hands. In some cases, even after the employee has been placed at your company, the recruiting firm may still offer sales management or training services to get the individual oriented.
Finding the perfect candidate for your business doesn’t have to be a difficult or lengthy process if you know what to look for and enlist professional help. A sales recruiting firm can be the answer to your hiring prayers!