Nuclear radiation can do some pretty terrible things to your body. Here are some symptoms of radiation poisoning. The severity of the symptoms depends on how much radiation you were exposed to without wearable radiation detection.
A small dose of radiation could feel like nothing more than the flu. You might experience some nausea and vomiting as well as headaches, fatigue and possibly a fever. If your body becomes exposed to a higher dosage, this is when the blood cells begin to die. You can still recover from this with treatment like blood transfusions and antibiotics. However, even at this point you may suffer from a weekend immune system because of the drop and white blood cells. This could lead to uncontrollable bleeding and anemia as well. If you’re exposed to 2GY or more, you may see what looks like a sunburn on your skin presenting as red patches, peeling skin and maybe blistering. Anything higher than 4G why can be fatal. Vomiting, diarrhea, dizziness and fever are the most common symptoms. Neurological damage and ataxia can also happen if exposed to very high doses of radiation.
This is why wearable radiation detection is extremely important especially if you work somewhere in the vicinity of nuclear radiation. Here are some ideas of wearable radiation detection that won’t be cumbersome on your person.
Wallet card
First responders often use this. It is the size of a credit card but has a sensor to indicate the level of exposure that is in the area. The sensor is always active and will develop a red dot to indicate the level of dosage. Across the bottom of the card is a series of numbers in mSv where you can compare The red dot to find out the level of radiation in your area. These cards last about one year and cost only about $25. However, the card is only reliable for a one time use although it may detect levels of radiation at other times as well. This card will also not work if held up to determine levels inside walls. It is for personal use which means it will measure the level of radiation that an individual is being exposed to over a period of time.
Radiation detection and measurement can also be done on watches. The watch has a sensor that evaluates the radiation environment and measures the ambient dose equivalent rate. These wearable radiation detection devices are probably the best quality. They are reusable and are constantly on without using up a lot of energy. Once the preset does reaches a certain threshold, the user will be alerted with an audible alarm sound. The watch can be used up to 1000 times. It’s easy to maintain the device; you treated just as you would any other expensive watch. If the watch comes in contact with radioactive dust, any radiation decontamination solution can be used to clean it. These can cost anywhere from $250 to $950.
Power Meter
You can also carry about a power meter which is an effective piece of radiation detection equipment. They range in price from $180 to $250. The meter provides measurements per hour per square foot. It will the maximum and minimum numbers displayed together so that you can see when the levels are rising. In order to use a radiation survey meter, you would need to know how to understand the radiation readings. These are used mostly by professionals working in the nuclear field. They are very accurate and quick to update readings when necessary but you can’t necessary wear them. You’d have to have them in a bag or pocket.
Smart Phones
Since most people usually have their phones on their person, there have been apps and accessories designed to monitor and measure radiation levels. They work similarly to the watch in which you can preset a radiation level and once that level is exceeded, the alarm will go off. It is recommended to set the level for slightly lower than you want to be exposed to, so you have time to get out as levels get higher or you enter an area with more radiation exposure. These detection devices cost about $550 and have indefinite re-usability.