Industrial America works hard and doesn’t like taking sick days. The United State’s Department of Labor however found that slips, trips, and falls in the workplace make up the majority of general industry accidents; this accounts for 15% of all accidental deaths per year, making it the second-lead cause of death behind motor vehicle accidents. Keeping employees safe isn’t just the right thing to do, it happens to be one of the best investments your company can make. Here’s how to make the workplace safer for employees and customers alike.
Cleaner Environments
Studies have shown that cleaner work environments lead to more productive work days. Naturally, the workplace can be a breeding ground for all sorts of germs and pathogens; having a cleaner work environment can help to reduce the spread of airborne contaminates that can make your employees or customers sick. The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics also found that there are nearly 15,000 injuries and illnesses each year. Your employees are not expendable, so why not try and make the workplace cleaner and safer for everyone?
Reduce Workplace Injuries
Studies have found that meat handling industries like grocery stores, warehouses, and butcher shops have a 75% greater industry average for slips, trips, and falls. The year 2011 found 5.5 recorded workplace injuries per 100 full-time warehouse employees. Statistics show that businesses that invest in industrial floor scrubber and sweeper machines have reduced their number of reported accidents. An industrial floor scrubber machine can remove surface dirt as well as unseen contaminates that may be making your employees sick. By removing the hard-to-get debris with floor scrubbing, your employees will be at a decreased risk for injuring themselves, thereby allowing businesses to net more money while keeping employees safe, happy, and healthy. Investing in your workforce is one of the wisest decisions any business owner can make; that investment can start with a floor sweeper.