In the year 2013, the victims of burglary crimes found themselves losing $4.5 million in property losses. Smash and grab crimes are easy for criminals to pull off and are one of the most common forms of crimes in America today. Whether you are a residential property owner or a business owner it is important to have security and protection for your valuable possessions. Today, only 1 out of 7 business have an alarm system. Here are some reasons you should be that 1 business.
Security Access Control Systems Can Help Your Business Save Money
The Center for Retail Research published a study entitled ‘The Global Retail Theft Barometer’. This study discovered that North American retailers have lost around $45 billion worth of inventory from inventory shrink each year. While theft and burglary does not account for all of this lost inventory, it can account for a good portion of it. One way to hinder this loss of inventory is simple, security access control alarms. Having a business surveillance system run by a security alarm company can help do wonders for a business. Simply having a security team watching business cameras can help protect businesses. Thirty-eight percent of inventory shrink can be attributed to shoplifting. Installing security cameras can help a business owner keep track of customers and shop lifters.
Security Access Control Alarm Systems Can Scare Off Burglars
An estimated 67% of all burglaries can be prevented by simply installing security cameras in your business. Criminals will be deterred away from business that have alarms because they know alarms can alert police. Around 10% to 25% of all police calls come from alarm systems. This statistic is the perfect explanation for why a camera can help keep criminals away from your business. A study conducted in determined that more than 50% of all burglars said they would stop their burglary if they found out the business had an alarm system. It is important to understand that a security access control system can only help to improve your alarm system. This will help avoid false alarms that waste police officers time and abilities. A security worker will be able to watch over you business and will determine if there is an actual burglary or a false alarm. This security access control will help save you and the police time.
Security access control alarm systems are becoming more and more popular in business with times. There are now more and more commercial security systems that business and residential property owners alike can look to for help in protecting their valuable possessions. Choosing a security system is not easy, but with as many reliable options that now exists it is hard for a customer to make the wrong decision, unless that decision is to not get a security system.