In today’s world, website design can make or break the success of businesses both small and large. Like all technology, good web design is not set in stone. What may have been considered good ten years ago is probably no longer meeting the needs of internet consumers. Here are some tips for making or redesigning a website to appeal to modern customers.
#1. Prioritize Transparency in User Interface
A confusing website is a sure-fire way to deter newcomers from exploring your website. For good web design, think about your home page. While you might have lots of great information available, it is what users first see when they access your site that will either draw them in or drive them away. One strategy for getting customers hooked is making all content easy to access from the main page. You can do this through using transparency. Make everything your site has to offer clearly categorized in an easy-to-find location. Most users are accustomed to looking to a top menu-bar to navigate the site. If you want to broadcast some new information, many websites will have a location where new information such as recent posts, information about new products or news about updates to the site can be accessed right from the home screen.
#2. Get Connected with Social Media
To target new customers, both large and small business web designers should take advantage of social media sites. As the average internet user spends twice the amount of time they do eating on social media sites, use the obsession with being “in the loop” to your advantage. Integrating your site with social media links such as a facebook and twitter page allows your customers to do some of your marketing work for you. When considering that 69% of facebook users have liked a brand because one of their friends have liked it, making a page available will help your loyal customers show their support, and in turn, generate more interest from an extended social circle.
#3. Design for the Mobile Internet User
More than a billion smartphones are in use today. While some people may travel with their laptop, almost everyone with a smartphone brings it with them and uses it almost constantly. What does this mean for website designers? Good web design must be fully functional and accessible on mobile devices instead of desktop or laptop computers. If functions on your web site are not fully compatible with smart phone platforms, consider launching an ap that users may download onto a mobile device and advertise this on your site.
#4. Use What Works in Internet Marketing
The best internet marketing strategies are convenient and cost-effective. To date, targeted email marketing continues to be one of the most effective ways to generate more sales. As users are wary of email messages that appear like spam, make sure to use email marketing that gets customer’s attention. Advertising special deals and sales is a good strategy because it shows customers that they are getting value from the email. An email notification about a special sale gets your product or service the attention of your targeted consumer because most internet users check their email several times a day. Exclusive one-day offers give a sense of urgency so consumers may take the time to visit your site instead of putting it out of their mind to focus on other immediate matters.