Does your business use print advertising to attract customers in your area? If so, you might want to consider utilizing your local printing company to help you with this task. While advertising can fall to an agency that will create ads for you, sometimes you can do this work yourself. If you haven’t checked out a local printing company in your area before, here are some standard services that many of them offer.
1. Business card printing: What’s a business without business cards? Whether you need them for yourself only or if you like your employees to have them, too, there are plenty of print shops that create this and other small format “ads.” Another great example of these includes hotel rack cards, which can be designed a bit larger and with more colors, and these are just as good for leaving behind to show off your company.
2. Direct mail printing: If you need to advertise through mail, it can be incredibly pricey if you’re trying to print and send items yourself. However, your local printing company can generally perform this task for you. Even if you need something for just your employees or long-time customers, direct mail letters and newsletter printing services are perfect for getting information out to a broader audience.
3. Marketing brochures and flyers: If you want your customers to have information to take with them, then printed and full color brochures are a great way to deliver this type of content. Flyers are also good for both customers to take in your store and for you to post outside of your business to gather attention. Having a professionally made flyer is a great way to get a customer’s attention.
4. Large format printing: Need to make a poster or banner to advertise for your business? Your local print shop can do this for you. This can save you a lot of time trying to print items yourself or paint your own banner. (Not to mention it’s a lot neater, so you can relax and put the spray paint away!)
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