Many people don’t know it, but above ground storage tanks are some of the most widely used types of containment in several industries. For example, the oil and gas industry relies on these tanks to store and transfer petroleum, and agricultural businesses often use these steel storage tanks for their fertilizers and other chemicals.
Business owners in these industries may be families with stainless steel tank manufacturers, but they might not realize that not all of those companies are created equally. There are a number of features that you should expect from your above ground storage tanks if you have to use them, so be sure to look for these key features when choosing a tank:
- Proper capacity: No matter what you need your storage tank for, it should be able to safely hold the substances that need storing. Typically, tank capacity is measured by the gallon, so you might look for anything from a 500 gallon tank to one in an industrial facility that can hold 10,000 gallons. Some tanks constructed onsite, known as field-erected tanks, have a capacity of 50,000 gallons or more.
- Quality storage tank construction: In addition to finding the right capacity for your above ground storage tank, you’ll also need one that is constructed with safety in mind. For example, any steel tanks that hold 1,100 gallons or more must use corrosion-resistant materials at the bottom of the tank. Any secondary storage that the tank offers, which is mainly used as a backup, should have at least 10% capacity if the tank is above ground, as a precaution.
- Compliance with regulations: If your state mandates the technical specifications of your storage tanks, then you’ll want to make sure that you choose one that meets those regulations. For instance, oil wells in Colorado have until April 1 of next year to modify their storage tanks with remote shut-in capabilities and secondary containment areas if they don’t already have these features. If you’re buying a brand new tank, you’ll want to make sure that it already meets standards, so you don’t have to pay for repairs in a few months.
Remember, however, that all steel storage tanks, no matter what they are used for, need to be inspected regularly. As recent as this year in March, 1,500 gallons of used motor oil leaked from a tank in Washington and flowed into the Yakima River, causing devastation for wildlife. No matter how well built a tank is, it’s up to the owner to make sure that everything stays working the way it is supposed to.
Have more questions about steel storage tanks or other containers for your industry? Get in touch with a manufacturer about your needs.