If you’re like many other American business owners, chances are you realize how important it is to get your company connected to the worldwide web. With eMarketer estimating that more than $1.5 trillion will be spent online by the end of 2014, the online world represents an ever growing revenue stream that every business should be taking advantage of.
Of course, as you’ve likely found if you’re reading this article, knowing how to choose the server cabinet racks and other hardware that will allow you to reliably connect to the internet and billions of potential customers is easier said than done. One of the biggest challenges? Technical jargon. Rare is the business owner who knows their RAM from their HDD. If this sounds like you, here are three of the most important tech terms you need to know when searching for your server cabinet racks.
Important Terminology to Know When Choosing Server Cabinet Racks
- Random Access Memory
- Processing Speed
- Traditional HDD Versus SSD
As Lifehacker writes, random access memory or RAM, is a type of computer hardware that gives systems the ability to multitask. Say, for example, you need to run a security program, data server, and a storefront from your servers simultaneously. Without at least 4gb of RAM, chances are you’re going to have a hard time doing that without making your systems work really hard. The more RAM you have, the better your ability to run multiple programs without seeing a significant decrease in performance.
In the world of server cabinet racks, processing speed is everything. Typically denoted by a number followed by “GHz,” a high processing speed will allow your computer to process more data more quickly. This is especially important if your eCommerce store deals with a high volume of traffic and sales. Generally, if you can find a server setup that offers 2.6GHz processing speeds in a multi-core setup, you should be more than fine.
More and more server cabinet racks are appearing with the option for solid-state drives (SSD). Solid-state drives, as the name implies, are solid bricks that facilitate data transfers at hyper speeds. Typically only available in smaller sizes, SSD options offer improved performance over traditional hard-drive disks (HDD), but they come at the expense of cost. As a general rule, unless you run a large business with regular demand for data transfers at the speed of light, you don’t need to spend the extra money on SSDs. High volume HDDs are the way to go.
Are you an IT professional? What are some of the most important hardware considerations when shopping for server rack enclosures that we failed to mention? Let us know in the comments below. Links like this: www.global1resources.com Refernce materials.