Are you missing key opportunities to attract new patrons or customers? Business owners are so focused on interiors that they often neglect exterior designs — and, more often than not, this neglect directly discourages or puts off new customers. With a few, simple changes restaurant and establishment owners can easily catch consumers or clients’ eyes. Here are the best ways to breathe new life into tired or plain exteriors:
Break Out of The Mold
Pay attention, and you’ll see the same exterior again and again. Business owners overwhelmingly choose white, gray, tan, and other neutral-colored exteriors — or, in other words, they choose to play it safe. Painting exteriors a bright, bold, and/or rich color can make all the difference. “The trend toward more varied exterior colors has become increasingly prevalent in the residential space,” paint experts Dunn-Edwards reveals. “And commercial buildings, in an effort to stand out from the competition and be more appealing to customers, are quickly following suit, moving from monochromatic and white palettes to a rainbow of color infusion.” Catch consumers’ eyes with striking golds, reds, and yellows — or opt for a safer, yet bold sage green or coffee-colored exterior.
Add Safe and Elegant Lighting
Lighting can serve two functions. First and foremost, lighting adds instant class to plain exteriors. Simple details, like vintage outdoor lighting fixtures, colonial outdoor lighting fixtures, antique lamp posts, or lit-up outdoor post clocks, accent exterior color and contribute to an overall engaging design. Ample outdoor lighting is also lends itself to safety, an attractive quality for business owners and consumers alike.
Whenever Possible, Pick A Place With a View
One of the simplest ways to get patrons’ and consumers’ attentions is to choose a location near a striking and/or one of a kind view. Restaurants on a body of water, for example, attract more patrons than restaurant without a compelling view.
Carefully plan and execute exterior designs to attract as many customers and patrons as possible. Choose bold colors, a place with a view, and complement all exteriors with elegant lighting, such as antique lamp posts and lit up outdoor post clocks. Ger more information on this topic here.