Behind The Growth Of Modular Construction Methods In The United States And All Around The World

Modular construction methods are taking off here in the United States as well as all throughout the world as a whole. In fact, modular construction methods have been used by, at the current date, more than 80% of all contractors. In addition to this, the vast majority of all engineers in the United States have used such methods of construction (around 90% of them) and the majority of architects (around 76% of them) have utilized modular building practices as well.

And modular construction can be used in so many different ways, from the modular warehouse office to the in-plant modular office. Aside from the modular warehouse office, about half of all modular construction methods are directed towards the building of various types of healthcare facilities. Another 42% of those who use modular construction methods will use them to create dorm buildings and other college campus buildings (or other such school related buildings) and the same percentage of those using such methods will use these methods for the construction of manufacturing facilities, something that has only continued to become more important as the manufacturing industry here in the United States continues to thrive and to grow.

Even hotels and hotel chains have benefited from the use of modular construction methods. In fact, Marriott International has stated that they are committed to incorporating more techniques of modular construction into the building of their new hotels all around the world. In fact, they even signed a pledge assuring that they will do so, and have planned to use modular construction for at least 13% of the new developments that it will create throughout North America, let alone elsewhere in the world.

But why exactly is modular construction for everything from the modular warehouse office to hotels to even healthcare facilities and dorms so very important? Well, modular construction is beneficial for a number of reasons. For one thing, it’s incredibly cost effective, which is likely to be enough of a selling point for modular construction in and of itself. In fact, modular construction methods, when used instead of more traditional methods of construction found here in the United States, can actually cut down total construction costs by as much as 20%. And even when the cost reduction and money savings are quite so dramatic, there is still typically an amount of cost reduction significant enough that it doesn’t drop below 9% at the very least.

When modular construction methods are used for the construction of things like the modular warehouse office or the in plant office or really any other type of building, the time it takes to build such structures as the modular warehouse office is considerably reduced in comparison to, again, more typical methods of construction. This can be largely attributed to the fact that modular construction for the modular warehouse office or otherwise is largely able to be done in any given factory setting. In fact, up to 90% of any modular building can be constructed ahead of time, allowing for the construction process to last no more than a few weeks, if even that (though a number of other factors will also be at play here). When more traditional methods of construction are used, on the other hand, they can take as many as six months before finally reaching completion of the project at hand.

Finally, methods of modular construction such as are used for the construction of the typical modular warehouse office are hugely more environmentally friendly than traditional methods of construction. Since modular construction uses fewer materials than traditional methods of construction, it has even been found that modular methods of construction could actually reduce the amount of waste produced by as much as 90% in comparison to the traditional construction site. And even energy used is reduced by as much as 67%, both during the process of construction and even in the aftermath, for the eventual users of the building.

At the end of the day, modular construction is hugely promising and likely to be used more universally in the future.

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