As every holiday season approaches, many families start planning to send out their greeting cards. Some prefer to send out pictures framed and designed by professional printing companies, and others do their photo greeting cards online. In either case, it is important to find the highest caliber company to represent your vision of the perfect photo greeting card.
There are number of things to consider when picking the right business for the job. Here are few things you should consider before you hire just anyone.
Templates. Every company will have a selection of templates that you can choose from. These often range from largely picture-based designs, to ones that offer more space for text if you want to add in a blurb about how your family is doing. Some families even place images on one side of custom photo greeting cards, and then offer an extensive update about the family’s whereabouts and adventures in recent months on the other. You will have to find a company that has a wide variety of colors, texts, designs and templates that will fit your needs, which may also depend on the holiday.
Turnaround. Holidays can creep up on you, and before you know it, it will be time to send out your personalized photo greeting cards. While you should probably get these taken care of far in advance, it is always helpful to find a company that will send your prints back as soon as possible. This makes the process much more convenient, and you do not have to worry about sending cards out too late. You can often find out about the most efficient companies by reading photo card business reviews that can point to the most reliable ones.
Simple Process. If you are working on photo greeting cards online, the entire process should be straightforward, and easy to follow. Avoid online retailers that include complicated steps to load your pictures, and frame them in the template you want. This will make it easier to get your greeting cards out on time, and looking exactly the way that you want.
With the holiday season still months away, you may think that you can put greeting cards on a back burner. But by researching a great professional photo lab ahead of time, or testing out an online company first, you will be ready to face the holiday rush, knowing that your cards will be ready without too much hassle. Read this for more.