In a time when an hour watching the morning political news can raise your blood pressure and make you fear for the future, it is especially important to understand the value of contributing to the greater good. And when you are feeling like the news of the world is simply too much, it is important to find a way that you can contribute to making things better. For many people, making the decision to help those in need is very empowering. In fact, understanding the value of charitable donations can help you turn a negative news day into a positive personal day.
Adults and children in need of clothing rely on the generosity of others to help them face their everyday challenges. The latest research indicates that as many as 70% of social media users would take some kind of action in response to a friend posting a story on social media about making a charitable donation, an indication that your one simple act can have a major impact.
Used clothing donations can, in fact, change the lives of those who are most in need, but they can also change how you look at your world. Instead of looking at your day as another opportunity to accumulate more things, you can begin to look at how your decisions can impact those around you if you understand the value of charitable donations.
- Today’s world is a place where many of us can be divided into the have’s and the have not’s. Perhaps more than ever, it is important to make sure that you donate the items that you no longer use to those who are struggling to make ends meet.
- Homes today are often stuffed with things that we no longer use. From shoes that have only been worn once or twice to the same jacket in two or three different colors, it is important to make sure that become a giver instead of a keeper. Closets and dresser drawers that are so full they are impossible to close do not help anyone live a better live.
- One way that we can all make sure that we are helping those in need is to make monetary donations to reliable national collection organizations that make contributions to people who are suffering from natural disasters.
- Storms that include hurricanes and tornadoes can cause loss of life and well as destroy homes. If you want to find a way to help those who have been hit the hardest make sure that you give to the American Red Cross, an organization known for the effective distribution of resources.
- Every time that you give blood or donate to the American Red Cross you are taking a step toward making sure that someone else can live a more comfortable life and find hope in a time of desperation.
- Instead of just getting more clothes that you will hardly ever wear, it might be time to do some major cleaning and organizing and donate the gently used items that you no longer wear.
- Nearly new clothing that is doing nothing more than taking up space in your closet and drawers could be put to a much better use for families who are struggling to overcome a recent natural disaster or house fire.
- Next time you have to dig through an entire cupboard of kitchen or household items to find something that you want to use, consider thinning out the chaos in your home and making a donation to a family who are struggling to find clothing for their children to wear to school and kitchen appliances to help prepare meals.
- Everyone can do something if they understand the real value of charitable donations.
- Every parent has a responsibility to teach their children how to think of the needs of others.
- Donations to national charities typically have the biggest impact.
The decision to HELP THOSE IN NEED is a far more productive attitude than sticking your head in the sand. In a time when the nation’s news seems to go from one crisis to another it is nice to know that there is a way for every individual to contribute to the greater good. By understanding the value of charitable donations, Americans can make an impact on the every day lives of many Americans.
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