Does the difference in metal recycling and pricing really matter?
For the sake of brevity…yes. It absolutely does. Metal is one of the most malleable and functional materials to date, being used in a significant amount of everyday appliances and actively depended on to keep our industries running smoothly. Even when high speed steel is no longer being used the long-term impact of recycling and repurposing is an entirely different beast. All these reasons and more are why your tungsten carbide powder buyer will be on the up-and-up.
Your carbide recycling methods need to reflect the modern day. Here’s how it happens.
Tungsten carbide is a beloved element in manufacturing plants the world over. It has twice the stiffness of steel and double the density, landing about halfway between lead and gold in both make and versatility. Tungsten, however, is only able to be created when mixed with other ingredients. The four major mineral forms required are iron, calcium, iron or manganese. First discovered over 230 years ago, it wouldn’t be actively applied to any one industry for many decades. The average tungsten carbide powder buyer may or may not know about these facts, but a little history lesson never hurt.
Tungsten is known for being both powerful and only able to melt at extremely high temperatures. This makes it ideal for electronic applications and anything that involves contact with extreme heat at some point in use. Engineering applications as well as mundane applications, such as home heating and lighting, will likely involve tungsten at some point in time. Even some medical equipment will have a little tungsten involved, cementing it right beside stainless steel and silver as some of the most widespread metals as we know it.
Just like stainless steel, tungsten carbide comes in different grades. About a dozen, to be exact, and all can be applied to applications both minor and major. The most commonly used binders on tungsten carbide are both cobalt and nickel, measured by their percentage to weight. This can be as low as 3% and as high as 30%. Tungsten carbide suppliers are more than aware of just how in-demand their products are and are ever keen on staying one step ahead of their competitors by offering a wide variety. This means tungsten carbide powder, carbide inserts and, of course, carbide recycling.
While each tungsten carbide powder buyer will have different goals in mind, a unifying trait between them all is a sharp interest in going green. One of the best aspects about metal is how easily it can be reused without a dip in quality. Recycling is a natural route for our industries to travel if we’re to remain both cost-effective and accessible to consumers, so make this the year you consider how your tungsten carbide price can compete. Out of all tungsten materials available for scrap, over 65% is either used in the United States or exported elsewhere for active recycling processes.
To sell your carbide is to sell to consumers that want everything in one handy package. Tungsten carbide suppliers are only as good as their tungsten carbide powder buyer and need to be ever aware of what’s at stake when scrap passes from one hand to another. Is your brand supporting the industry at large by recycling unused scrap and contributing to a more cost-effective and green model? Are you pricing competitively while taking advantage of the readily available material made by recycling? Clearing this up from the get-go will yield you higher returns and more steady business.