One of the great pastimes is to leave work behind to experience life in the great outdoors. Camping is one of the top reasons for people to travel on vacation. With more campers increasing by the year, expect a lot of neighbors at your campsites! Thanks to the variety of recreational activities, amenities, and natural trails available at campgrounds across the country, there is never a shortage of things to do. Here are some statistics on this ever growing camping trend.
Camping Statistics
Data shows that six out of every 10 households include someone in their home who has gone camping. Statistically, a majority of campers start out before the age of 15, afterwards the likelihood of a camping trip in their lifetime drops dramatically. Data also shows that of campers over the age of 16, 63% were married or living with a partner. Another interesting fact is that around half of all camping trips have a total driving distance of less than 100 miles away from home. Understanding the needs of campers is a crucial question for those involved in campground franchises.
Traditional Camping
The 2014 American Camper Report found that 597.7 million Americans went camping for that year; this represents an upward trend as more and more Americans are leaving their homes to experience the great outdoors. While many choose to reside in a tent during their camping trip, some choose to invest in campers and RVs to help bring comfort to their campsite. In the United States there are over 12,000 RV related businesses with a combined annual revenue of over $37.5 billion dollars. RV renters and RV enthusiasts make up a combined 30 million individuals in the United States by some reports. By providing for the demands of campers, campground franchises have the ability to distinguish themselves from other sites.
Bringing Comfort to the Campground
A Kampgrounds of America study found that 20% of campers ranked a campsite as being “kid friendly” as something that value. Since a majority of campers are young families, providing access to free WiFi is something that can help parents and kids alike stay busy and connected. Having well-maintained playground equipment and other recreational areas can help keep campers active and always exploring. Around 78% of campers participate in outdoor cooking while camping — having designated fire pits and BBQ sites is a must to help fulfill this need. Campground franchises often help book events such as outdoor movies showings, concert venues, outdoor shows, ranger visits, and others to always ensure that there is something new to see and do. Of course, having indoor public bathrooms and showers will help make guests considerably more comfortable during their stay.
Investing in the Great Outdoors
There has never been a better time to invest in a campground franchise. With a growing number of available campgrounds available for purchase, these sites are waiting for an investor to renovate and build a site to fulfill the growing demand for campgrounds. There are a number of campground investment firms throughout the country that specialize in group investing to pool capital in an effective way. Contact one of these firms if you want to participate in campground franchising to keep the outdoor great.