For any company, it is extremely important to find the right office space. The right office space is not just a central area where your company can function, take care of daily business, grow and evolve, there are other intangible benefits that companies can no longer ignore. Research shows that characteristics of your executive office space, including how you divide your space, your furniture, ambient lighting, temperature and noise levels all have a subtle effect of employee performance and productivity. Employees are of the same opinion, as surveys have found that almost 90% of senior employees believe that good workplace location and design have a role to play in performance and overall mood.
These factors dictate that when you try to find office space, you should take a lot of important things into account and make a smart decision. Finding office space should never be taken lightly. Here are five important things that you should consider while for executive offices for rent –
- Locations – Location is one of the most important factors which should govern your decision when you are looking for executives offices for rent. You need a safe, secure and interesting neighborhood where both your clients and your employees can reach easily. Having enough amenities nearby can keep both employees and clients happy.
- Size – When you are looking for executive offices for rent, size is a crucial factor. You need to ensure that the site you choose provides you with the recommended 70 square feet per employee, as well as dedicated spaces for meetings, rest, social integration and recreation. If you have plans to expand your workforce in the near future, ensure that the space you choose can handle the increased requirement.
- Price – When you are looking to lease office space, you need a place on which the price is on point and in sync with your budget. It has been seen that about 80% of the cost associated with your office space stems from lease and operating costs. To save money, you can also opt for a flexible lease which allows you to get executive offices for rent for only the duration of time you need it for.
- Brand Image – Last but certainly not the least, look for a space which oozes style, class and character — a place you would be happy to call your company’s home. You need a workplace that you can be proud of and can show off to people as an extension of your brand.