The torque equation has been used for hundreds of years within the world of engineering. This equation is used to measure the force behind what causes objects to rotate. That being said, engineers often need to have precise and reliable numbers that correlate to the weight of matter. You’ll find that many engineers utilize what is known as a load cell in order to obtain accurate weight measurements. It’s understandable how a load cell works and why they are used within the engineering industry. With that in mind, here are four tips to remember while choosing a load cell.
- Choosing the Right Type of Load Cell
Within the world of engineering, there is a wide range of load cells to utilize. You’ll find that the five main types load cells are: strain gauge, hydraulic, diaphragm, spool type, and ring type load cells. Considering that, it’s important to know that the cast majority of load cells available utilize what is known as strain gauge technology which has been proven to work well for over four decades. - Determining Which Temperature Conditions You’ll be Working With
There is never a guarantee that you’ll be able to take measurements while temperature condition cooperate. With that in mind, you’ll find it wise to consider load cells before taking weight measurements. In fact, load cells are designed to perform optimally in a wide range of temperatures ranging from -452 degrees to 450 degrees Fahrenheit. Considering that, you can rest assured that load cells will be able to give you accurate weight measurements, even in extreme conditions. - Maximum Weight Capacities
While the torque equation focuses on items that are spinning, load cells are used to measure how much something weighs. In certain situations, you might need to order what is known as a high capacity load cell. These cells are used to obtain accurate measurement while dealing with especially heavy amounts of weight. For instance, high capacity load cells are typically able to measure weights that can range anywhere from 100,000 to 3 million pounds. With that in mind, you’ll find that it’s wise to have high capacity load cells on hand while dealing with extremely high amounts of weight. - Time Needed to Obtain Measurements
It’s likely that you will be asked regularly to obtain weight measurements as soon as possible. Considering that, no one wants to wait long amounts of time in order to find out weight measurements. If you’re in need of especially fast and accurate measurements, it’s wise to consider utilizing load cells. These cells are notable within the engineering industry for being able to give extremely fast weight measurements.
To summarize, there are a few important considerations to think about while ordering load cells. As the torque equations measures items that are being twisted, load cells take measurements related to weight. These cells are often utilized due to their accuracy and the speed at which they are able to obtain weight measurements. You’ll find that there are many types of load cells available. That being said, vast majority of these load cells utilize what is known as strain gauge technology which has proven to be reliable for nearly 40 years. You’ll also want to take note of the temperature condition that you’ll be working in. Another important consideration to make is what weight ranges you’ll be working with. Considering that, you’ll find that high capacity load cells work best in situations where you are working with immense amounts of weight.